issc 422 discussion reponse
I need two responses of at least 150 words each for the below students discussions for this week. Also in the bold below are the questions the students at answering.
What avenues should an aspiring information security professional use in acquiring professional credentials?
Student one:
Hello Class,
Having not worked in the professional private sector for all of my adult life I’m not 100% what current IT organizations are seeking in employees, but I know for certain that certifications are what everyone is talking about. I work with several contractors and that’s pretty much a condition of their employment. They are hired based on the certifications they possess and the job experience they have. I don’t know how important a bachelors degree is anymore, but hopefully it’s worth something by the time I get out haha.
In the Air Force there are several avenues to obtain certifications. Most notably would be the Air Force Cool program, where the Air Force will pay a one-time fee of up to $4,500 (I think) towards a professional certification. When people use this some people seek to get a bundle of certifications. I don’t know if that’s still allowed but you used to be able to find companies that would give you Security +, Net +, A+, etc. in one bundle for under $4,500. I don’t think those certifications are as valuable anymore, as people are likely seeking higher lever certifications from Cisco and Microsoft.
I was fortunate enough to get my current unit to pay for a Project Management Professional boot camp, which includes a voucher for the certification test. I actually am in the process of studying for that certification right now and it’s no joke. It’s very daunting and I’m ready to be done with it. Another avenue I’ve heard of though is through schools like Western Governors. I have a co-worker that is enrolled in a program through them now and he says that the finals for certain courses are actually the certification tests, so you wind up passing the class and getting a certification out of it, which sound pretty cool to me.
Student two:
Hello Class,
There are a few avenues that can be taken by an aspiring information security professional when acquiring professional credentials. About 86 percent of IT recruiters consider professional credentials when evaluating applicants for employment. To qualify as an IT security professional, you need credentials. Some of the certifications are basic. The more credentials a person have can lead to them standing out in a growing IT security profession. The first step to becoming an IT security professional would be having a bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field. The fields can be in computer science or software engineering. Data management and programming languages would be the topics exposed in those fields. Here is where a person can get hands-on experience with the programs and software. After completing a bachelor’s degree, the aspiring information security professional can get a certificate in CompTIA Security+. The Security+ will cover risk management and network security, cryptography, organizational systems, security systems, and identity management. These are skills that the global business community is looking to keep a large amount of data associated with their organization secure from a data breach. The information security professional may become a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, which specialize in certification and education on security. Here is where the professional will show they have mastered the required knowledge to effectively handle the network and data security of different companies.
To have that success as an aspiring information security professional, the person must be willing to continue to learn through college or certifications to stay on top of the IT issues.