International Banking
the first attachment is the assignment required to be done. there are 3 tasks to be done for 3 students iam the student doing the second task. please only do the second task where it says a second graduate student should argue in favor of universal banking.
Your essay must comprise three parts:
- One graduate student should review the terms of the Volcker rule, Vickers proposal, Liikanen and other recent European initiatives;
2. A second graduate student should argue in favour of universal banking;
3. A third graduate student should critically evaluate the Basel 3 requirements on bank capital proposals for large banks to face a “capital chargeâ€.
I have attached some reading materials.
please do the following
- read the assignment carefully and the follow the instructions.
- write around 1000 words exluding the refrences.
- refrence academic journels.
- please no copy paste and/or any type of plaigrism.
- to be completed before Friday the 14th of November.
thank you very much