informative speech assignment amp outline
Outlines will only be accepted in MS Word as a .doc or .docx file. No other formats are allowed.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Informative Speech is to give the audience novel information about your topic. You can do this by describing a process, procedure, event or object, defining a term, system or idea, or explaining how something works or operates. The general idea is for you to create more knowledge and awareness of your subject matter. The purpose of this speech is NOT to attempt to alter the current belief system of your audience in any way, this would make the speech persuasive. Your goal is to simply inform.
TOPIC: When choosing your topic try to pick a subject that foremost interests you. Then, based on the information you read from your textbook about audience adaptation, try to make that subject interesting to your classmates. It’s always a good idea to ask class members what they think about your topic – this gives you a better idea of their interest in it. Even if audience members don’t seem to be interested in your topic, the ultimate power of making your speech engaging and interesting lies in your hands. Remember, the more you care about your topic the more likely the audience is going to be interested in it, even if they weren’t before your speech.
A minimum of four sources should be used to provide adequate supporting material -These sources must be cited in the delivery of the speech as well as on a reference page. You should also cite any additional sources you use. -Encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia, and other general reference materials may not be used.
Only one source may come from the Internet. -At least one of the sources must carry a publication date within the last 12 months. 4. Two copies of your full-sentence outline (typed)
A copy of the bibliography/reference should be attached to your outline. We use APA style for source citation. If you are unfamiliar with APA citations, you may utilize (Links to an external site.) as a resource.