i need this one page criminal justice paper written
No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.
Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.
The Mini-Paper is a single-page composition on an assigned question or topic. The paper is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their comprehension of the course material and to apply it to the situation presented. The paper is also an opportunity for the student to demonstrate his or her writing skills. Feedback will be provided for both content and grammar.
In the Discussions section of the classroom during the week that includes the Mini-Paper assignment, the instructor will post the Mini-Paper question topic that is unique to this class. These special Mini-Paper questions are NOT to be answered in the Discussions. The one-page response is to be submitted as a MS WORD document in your Assignment Folder by the due date specified.
- One full page, headed with the student’s name. (No cover page.)
- Narrative must be double spaced, with1 inch margins, written in #12 font.
- All supportive references must be cited in APA format with an in-text citation as well as a full citation on a separate Resources page.
- No directly quoted (copy/paste) material may be used in this project paper.
Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.
Police violence in America is a hot topic in the news. There has been multiple occurrences involving some very serious incidents which garnered the nation’s attention. Unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and rough treatment of offenders have caused the public-at-large to scrutinize the activities of police officers – and question their authority – like never before. The ability of the public to digitally record these incidents in real time has exasperated the problem. This enhanced scrutiny has caused officers to hesitate to utilize an appropriate level of force when confronting potentially dangerous situations. There is some concern that the anxiety officers currently face could potentially compromise their safety.
Choose a recent high profile police violence incident that received extensive media coverage within the past 12 months. The incident should have occurred in 2019 or 2020. Discuss some unique ethical dilemmas related to the case – and the potential ethical issues relating to the aftermath of the incident – i.e., overarching implications upon the field of criminal justice, implications related to the public’s perception of criminal justice professionals, etc. NOTE: The case you select should be no more than one year old