human biology 7

Course Information

Human Biology
BI 114 (4 semester hours). Fulfills Gen Ed 4 hour science requirement, Gen Ed SLO 6, and is the required BSW science.
Course Description: Human Biology is an introductory course which examines the fundamental biological concepts of human origins and inheritance, the structure and function of all human body systems, common human diseases, and their major risk factors. BI114 is required for Social Work majors and recommended for Criminal Justice and Psychology majors. It also fulfills all students’ general education requirement for a four hour lab science course and General Education Student Learning Outcome 6.

Course Text: The Human Body in Health and Disease, 7th ed., by K. Patton and G. Thibodeau, 2017 plus added reading assignments in the weekly modules, both posted here and on the web.

NOTE: There is NOTHING you cannot find on the internet, but you have to be careful about the reliability of the information. I have included links to a number of trusted websites in the Helpful Weblinks Section of the Course Menu for you to search for information while here in the “classroom”.

These include some of the best sites on the web for health-related information. This includes your excellent text website, which contains many study aids, including self-tests, and which you are encouraged to use! You will have assigned links to many of these sites in this course. Check them out and bookmark them on your own computers if you like them, and share them with your friends and family as well.

Course Schedule: See the Course Calendar for all due dates for exams/assignments/scheduled activities/course updates- visit it regularly. Course Content: Major issues and concepts discussed in Human Biology include the scientific method, characteristics of living organisms, cell structure and function, organization of cells into tissues and organs, major organ systems, reproduction and development, genetics, disease and prevention.

The course is organized into eight weekly units, to be completed AS SCHEDULED over the eight weeks of the course. Each one will include your learning objectives for that unit plus a variety of activities to accomplish those objectives such as Powerpoint presentations, reading assignments in your text, web links to view with assigned questions to be answered and submitted and/or discussed, interactive on-line activities, and unit quizzes to help prepare you for exams.

Discussion Board: Everyone will be expected to discuss interesting, even controversial topics weekly throughout (in a civil manner!) on the course Discussion board. My aim is to make the course an enjoyable learning experience and all constructive comments and suggestions are greatly welcomed. For each discussion topic you will need to start an appropriately-titled message thread using Create Thread (upper left after you click on the Discussion link).. Expectations for all discussion topic posts are clearly stated in the grading rubric to include: your own well-written reply to the assignment (minimum 250 words plus references) and a minimum of three replies to classmates on multiple days prior to the due date. NOTE: Late posts will NOT be graded for the assignment but do contribute to your participation grade!

LAB CREDIT FOR BI114: •Students will complete three independent investigative projects and share these on the discussion board with their classmates for their laboratory credit! Look in the BI114 Lab Projects area for instructions and to submit your final reports.

Internet Term 5 2019 dates: Monday Aug 26, 2019 to Friday Oct 18, 2019
None, just a desire to learn more about the human body and its “upkeep” … sometimes I like to call this “the owner’s manual for the human body” course! BI114 is required for BSW majors, recommended for Psychology and Criminal Justice majors, and highly appropriate for all other non-science majors as well.
General Objectives of the Course:

The course will expand the student’s knowledge of how the human body works over successive levels of organization from molecules of life to organ systems to organism. The students will learn how humans develop and interact with each other and their environment, as well as important concepts concerning nutrition, reproduction, infectious disease, behavioral therapy, and genetic intervention.

Student Learning Outcomes for BI114:

Following completion of the activities, assignments, and readings in this course, it is expected that the student will be able to:

1) Describe the overall organization of the human body, including cells, tissues, organs and major organ systems and relate form to function.

2) Describe and identify the major structures, hormones and disorders of the male and female reproductive systems and the processes of human reproduction and contraception.

3) Recognize the basic modes of inheritance including autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, sex (or X)-linked dominant, sex or X-linked recessive and human examples of each.

4) Describe the major developmental events in the three prenatal trimesters.

5) Describe the basic organization and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems and a nerve cell (neuron) and describe their major disorders and treatment.

6) Name the major senses and describe their dependence on receptors and the nervous system for transmission of received signals to the brain.

7) Describe the balanced human dietary requirements and food pyramid and discuss diet-associated diseases.

8) Describe the basic organization, location, and function of the human digestive system organs and what occurs in digestive tract diseases.

9) Describe the location and function of the heart and the pulmonary and the systemic circulations as well as the lymphatics.

10) Discuss cardiovascular and lymphatic system-associated diseases.

11) Describe the major types of infectious organisms (pathogens), vectors, and the lines of human host defense.

12) Describe the basic organization, location, and function of the organs/components of the respiratory system and discuss respiratory system-associated diseases.

13) Describe the basic organization, location, and excretory functions of the components of the urinary system and liver.

14) Describe the major important structures and functions of the human musculoskeletal system and discuss the major disorders associated with it.

15) Describe the major important functions and disorders of the human endocrine system.

16) Define and identify major biological, environmental and behavioral risk factors leading to human illness and injury.

17) Demonstrate critical thinking in analysis of health-related, culturally and politically-impacted topics orally and in writing.

18) Demonstrate acceptable skills in both formal and professional communication, which included both content and use of proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence construction, organized paragraphs, references and appropriate citation of references.

More specific learning objectives for each unit and activities designed to help you achieve them will be found in each weekly unit folder in the Week 1-8 Course Outlines section.

Course Policies

Limestone College Policy Statements may be viewed at: Limestone College ECI Course Policies



Students wishing to withdraw from a course MUST submit a withdrawal request online prior to the course end date at Withdrawal Form to receive a “W_” grade! If you do not withdraw you will receive the letter grade earned.

Day students may NOT withdraw from a Virtual Campus course in terms 1, 2, 5, or 6 after the Day Program drop/add period without the approval of the Academic Dean or Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Please also notify ALL your instructors immediately at the time of your withdrawal via e-mail as a courtesy! Grades will be assigned and refunds will be given based upon current Limestone College policy.


My own course policies are as follows:

1) Communicate with me through the BB Messages link in the Course Menu or the Class Hangout section in the course Discussions ONLY if at all possible. This includes questions about your performance (ask those privately via e-mail please!) and assignments … general questions posted in the Discussion thread allow the answer to benefit everyone. This policy allows me AND you to keep all course materials in one place, thanks.

2) Course participation: Communicate with me and your fellow students and complete assigned course activities at least once per week MINIMUM or points will be deducted from your participation grade. Expected “course activity” (which I will carefully monitor) includes e-mail communication with me when appropriate (no “checking in” e-mails please!) and regular original and responsive postings on the bulletin board on the assigned topics (“me too” posts, while do not count for much!), and completion of ALL assignments in a timely fashion.

3) See the COURSE CALENDAR for all due dates! Work submitted late without prior permission is NOT acceptable and will be penalized: Late discussions and quizzes receive a ZERO and late project reports lose 10% per day up until 7 days late, when they receive a ZERO. While there is some flexibility in when you do your work in this class, it is not “self-paced”- it has been proven that such an approach in online courses promotes either student procrastination or rushing through the material and poor retention. We will work through the material and discuss topics as a group (much like in a real classroom setting, but with some flexibility) and I expect you to KEEP UP. The positive impacts of getting to know your instructor and classmates, gaining some really interesting, even lifestyle-changing, knowledge, and not having to scramble at the end of the term will make it worth it!

4) Plagiarism: Lifting material directly from web sources by copy/pasting is easy to do but I encourage you to resist the temptation. It is also very easy for me to detect! Reading the assigned material and then formulating your OWN opinions and thoughts on the thorny subjects we will be discussing is how you learn and grow, which is what college is all about after all! 🙂 If you quote or borrow heavily from a link or links, that’s not a problem- just include the link in your post as a reference and use quotes around verbatim quoted material.

There is an excellent resource on proper citation and avoiding plagiarism on the Limestone College Library website. To access the information go to: and then select work through the tabs: Plagiarism Workshop (take the quiz!), Academic Honesty, and Plagiarism (Policy) at LC.


1) There are EIGHT 20 point multiple choice/matching open book timed quizzes, one in each unit. All quizzes are available for a minimum of three weeks so there will be no extensions for missed quizzes! Note that while you can take each quiz three times to improve your grade, there is a short time delay built in between attempts, so if you wait until right before the deadline, you may lose some of your attempts!

2) There are FOUR timed multiple choice/matching exams which count 100 points each. Exams 1 and 3 are timed but are non-proctored and open notes/book. Two exams (#2 and #4) are closed notes/book and require the use of the remote proctoring service Proctorio.

Limestone College Remote Proctoring Policy Statement:

This course uses Proctorio for verification of student identity and for monitoring student activities while completing selected exams. Although there is not a human watching you take your exam, the software will record audio and video during the exam, so make sure you’re following the guidelines set by your instructor while testing. You should select a quiet, private space for testing. Students must own a webcam and have a built-in or standalone microphone associated with their computer to use Proctorio. Specific instructions regarding the use of Proctorio are offered on the quiz or exam in the course. For more information about Proctorio and installation instructions, see the FAQs at Technical Requirements Microphone (integrated or separate) Webcam (integrated or separate) Browser: Google Chrome ( Internet Connection: Cable Modem, DSL or better.

3) There are EIGHT discussion topics worth 20 points each (plus one Bonus topic). Your contributions and your three or more responses to your classmates for assignment and participation credit need to be well-thought out, well-written, well-referenced and well-edited. Many students lose lots of points on these discussions by not treating them seriously, as “short essays”! I also deduct points for posting all your posts and replies on one day, so get involved early and return often to the available class discussions or full credit.

In any assignment in any educated discipline, both written form and content “count”. How you express ideas is closely linked to the quality of ideas expressed. Refer to the following general rubric and the more specific Grading Form which may be viewed by clicking the link in the upper right hand corner of each graded discussion topic. Apply these principles as a test to your contribution before submitting! I recommend that you write your posts in Word (or equivalent program), save and edit, then copy-paste it when you are satisfied with it to the submission box in the discussion. However,

DO NOT post your discussion assignments as an attachment please. This causes problems for those using different programs and slows down reading through the posts, so I WILL NOT grade discussions posted as attachments! You will also generally lose points for any of the following lapses: not using organized paragraph style[Hit enter twice to insert a blank line between paragraphs], failure to quote and cite properly from your book and other legitimate reference sources (and blatant copy-pasting without citation will get you a zero and possibly reported for plagiarism too), errors or omissions in grammar and punctuation, typos and misspellings [proofread!], failure to link evidence and quotations directly to the question, failure to take the assigned role, length less than the required number of words, just cutting and pasting quotes without sufficient interpretive commentary. Think of each of these as a weekly mini-essay assignment: yours should be complete and well-thought out, but do not let your post get too long either … 250-300 words is just about right!

Let me also recommend that you check out the Limestone Online Writing Lab for assistance if you need it in your writing assignments.

General Discussion Grading Rubric (there is a more detailed rubric in the Discussion topic):

Above average/Superior 16-20: Shows critical thinking and knowledge of all required readings and the intent of the assignment. Well-constructed paragraph(s) integrates evidence from three or more sources. Uses critical (evaluative) analysis; integrates contributions of other classmates and links ideas presented directly to sources or other evidence. Meets length minimum requirement of >250 words not including citations. Includes any citations to quoted documents and websites at end of post, with use of quote marks or quote boxes and appropriate citations by name if direct quotes from sources are included.

Average/ Satisfactory 11-15: Largely informational, but not analytical or interpretive. Does not always integrate sources into each paragraph or does not cite sources directly. Repeats basic, correct information but does not link ideas to primary sources nor provide critical analysis of evidence. Does not meet length requirement.

Below average 6-10: Minimal effort, needs much work: Seemingly no understanding of or engagement with the topic issues. Material is random and non-linked and organization is insufficient. Sentence fragments and misspellings are present. Submission is well below required length and superficial.

Failing 1-5: Little or no evidence of having done the required assignment reading. Appears to have responded based on classmate’s posts rather than assignment. Major lapses in many rubric areas and many grammatical and spelling errors are present. Answer is very short and incomplete.

0 Points: Did not submit the assignment or submitted after posted deadline or plagiarized.

4) Your participation grade (almost a letter grade at 80/1001 points), is based on doing more than the minimum required in the discussions, including responding substantively to at least THREE classmates’ contributions in each topic and replying to any responses to your own post which require one. Your posts on any topic must be on multiple days: “Hit and run” posting …. coming in and posting your comment and replies all at once and disappearing for the remainder of the time the topic is open) which is at least three weeks) WILL be penalized in both your discussion and participation grades. How many posts you read in each topic is also available to me, and will affect your participation grade.

Your grades will all appear in My Grades. Your quiz and exam grades record immediately while assigned discussion and assignment grades appear as soon as I grade them AFTER their due date.

Note that if you want early feedback on an assignment draft you may e-mail it to me here in BB Messages as an attachment I must receive it at least two days (48 hrs) prior to the due date with your request that I review it however … thanks!

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