how citizens engage in community oriented policing 2
Community policing should be a citizen owned effort. Of course the police and other city agencies should be involved when necessary but the most consistent and comprehensive effort should belong to the neighborhoods and businesses that are in the affected area.
Assume that you are a community leader in an area with no ongoing community-oriented policing effort. For this week’s assignment you are to evaluate the role of citizens in the community-oriented policing effort. How would a group of citizens assess the needs of the community and critically analyze what resources they have and need to make a positive impact? What would be the best strategy be for your group to engage with the police and other city agencies in this effort?
Write a 2 page APA style paper. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement (title page and references are in addition to the 2 pages)
In your paper, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format for in-text citation.
Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the library (this includes EBSCO Host and the Gale Criminal Justice Collection).
Click here to view your assignment rubric.
No plagiarism and make sure that you go in depth on the topics.
In your paper, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format for in-text citation.
Make sure that you include the URLs on the refence page