help with my assigment
1. Watch these videos about listening.
Clip 1 Everybody Loves Raymond (Links to an external site.)
Clip 2 Everybody Loves Raymond (Links to an external site.)
Clip 3 Big Bang Theory (Links to an external site.)
and lastly
Clip 4 Active Listening- Katie Owens (Links to an external site.)
2. Research information about active listening. Locate and read two articles (Wiki is NOT an acceptable source). Complete the following:
- Share the links to your articles: Copy and paste the links to the two articles from your research, so the instructor can find and see the articles.
- Answer this question: What are the steps to active listening? Your research should have answered this question. If not, keep looking. List the steps to active listening. The number of steps in different articles may vary slightly. List what you think seems most complete.
Do this exercise: Use the information you have learned from watching the video above (Active Listening- Katie Owens) and from your research to begin using the skills of good listening. Select a person with whom you fell comfortable. Have a conversation with him/her and focus completely on that person. Use all the steps of active listening, If the conversation is a short one. find someone else and have a longer conversation, so this exercise is effective. WRITE a report on what happened. Give a brief summary of the topic of the conversation, but focus your report on the skills you used in listening. What exactly did you do? How did you feel using the skills? How did the other person respond? How effective was the exercise? What worked well? What didn’t work? What could you have done differently to have been a better listener. Your report should be 250-500 words in length (1-2 typed pages in length.)