health program models
Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.
Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by analyzing each response for completeness and accuracy and by suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.
DQ: Health Program Models
Public health programs have been used to address health diseases and issues. However, after the disasters related to the Atlantic tropical cyclone in 2005 and Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast, particularly New Orleans, there was a greater need for public health preparedness planning and programs to help public health officials become more prepared for such disasters. As a result, discussions started at the government level to develop programs that would assess and evaluate the U.S. being prepared for natural disasters. Now, initial attention is given to disaster preparedness training and communication with government officials, first responders, and medical healthcare physicians and practitioners. Within the last decade, there have been more public health preparedness programs developed to evaluate readiness for natural disasters in the U.S.
Using the internet research the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. You may use your readings for the week and the following articles as a start. In addition to these readings, select 1–2 scholarly sources for use in this assignment.
Review the following:
Kothari, A., Rudman, D., Dobbins, M., Rouse, M., Sibbald, S., & Edwards, N. (2012). The use of tacit and explicit knowledge in public health: A qualitative study. Implementation Science, 7. doi:10.1186/1720.>
Connon, C. L., & Salazar, M. K. (2004). Developing more effective workplace interventions—Use of the Precede-Proceed model. AAOHN Journal, 52(5), 188– 190. cview%2F219384720
Ekhtiari, Y. S., Shojaeizadeh, D., Foroushani, A. R., Ghofranipour, F., & Ahmadi, B. (2013). The effect of an intervention based on the PRECEDE- PROCEED model on preventive behaviors of domestic violence among Iranian high school girls. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 15(1), 21–28.… 4596%3Faccountid%3D13931
Respond to the following:
- Explain how the PRECEDE-PROCEED model can be used as a major conceptual framework for a public program and how the constructs can be used in the evaluation process.
- Differentiate between the two abbreviations of PRECEDE-PROCEED model.
- Select the PRECEDE or PROCEED model and examine the 4 phases (e.g., Phases 1–4 cover analysis and identification and Phases 5–8 cover implementation).
- Explain how the phases of the selected part of the model can be applied to develop a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.
Write a paragraph to synthesize your information and summarize key points. Comment on the postings of at least two peers with scholarly information.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Explained the PRECEDE-PROCEED model including how it can be used as a major conceptual framework for a public program and how the constructs can be used in the evaluation process.
- Differentiate between the two abbreviations of PRECEDE-PROCEED model.
- Examined in detail the four phases of either PRECEDE or PROCEED.
- Explained how the phases of the selected part of the model can be applied to develop a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic.
- Responses demonstrated an in-depth research and analysis.
- Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning
- Commented on the postings of at least two peers.