HA535 Unit 7 Discussion Timely Assignment Help

HA535 Unit 7 Discussion Timely Assignment Help

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Select one of the articles listed below (Use them as references)and answer the following questions. Note that the link for each article will take you to the abstract. You will then need to click on “download PDF” to get the full article.What is the quantitative problem statement?What is the quantitative purpose statement?What are the quantitative research questions and hypotheses?How was the data collected?How was the data analyzed?What was the benefit of using the selected statistical test?What was the outcome of the study?Ward, R. M., Popson, H. C. & DiPaolo D. G. (2010). Defining the Alpha Female: A Female Leadership Measure. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 17(3), 309–320.Celik, S. (2013). A media comparison study on first aid instruction. Health Education Journal, 72(1), 95–101.Philips, N., Sioen, I., Michels, N., Sleddens, E., & De Henauw, S. (2014). The influence of parenting style on health related behavior of children: Findings from the ChiBS study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 11(1), 1–23.In two diferent paragraph give your personal opinion to Dalya Girgis and Valencia MatilusDalya GirgisA media comparison study on first aid instructionWhat is the quantitative problem statement?A basic knowledge and understanding of first aid for both teachers and students to be able to provide emergency care in the event of an accident, possibly saving lives and minimizing injury in school settings.What is the quantitative purpose statement?The purpose of this research was to perform a comparison of online and face-to-face delivery modes for an introductory first aid course to determine if there existed a difference in student teachers’ success depending on the delivery modes.What are the quantitative research questions and hypotheses?A first aid provider should be able to assess the situation quickly and calmly, deal with life-threatening conditions while protecting him/herself from danger, obtain medical aid, and call an ambulance in case of serious injury or illnessHow was the data collected?A test question research included 40 questions to determine the student teachers’ level of knowledge about all the important aspects of first aid. To exemplify, questions included: ‘When a student has epistaxis, which of the following would you do?’, and ‘When a student aspirates an object, which of the following would you do?’. Prior to the actual data collection process, 10 student teachers were tested with a preliminary form of the test, and the questions were changed accordinglyHow was the data analyzed?Participants of the study were 64 student teachers taking a first aid course at a Turkish university. the students to two different groups as the experiment and control groups, the participants in the experiment group were provided with usernames and passwords for a Moodle course designed by the researcher, with the assistance of two professors employed at the School of Medicine.What was the benefit of using the selected statistical test?The rates of these tests were found to be legible (p > .05) to pursue with parametric statistical analysis. As a reliability issue, an item analysis was conducted to assess the quality of those items and of the test as a whole. The results of the difficulty and discrimination indexes of each question pointed out that all items were within acceptable levels.What was the outcome of the study?The findings of the study suggest that, while both online and face-to-face mode can be effective in achieving learning goals of first aid content, online learning was found to be more effective in comparison to traditional classroom instruction.Reference:Celik, S. (2013).A media comparison study on first aid instruction. Health Education Journal, 72(1), 95–101.Valencia MatilusThe quantitative problem health related has been affecting many people for decades. Tuberculosis global health problems have been around 4,000 years. (Dotson, 2017)This is an ancient disease. Having been increasing tremendously the number of healthcare employees, professionals, more nurses needed, and physicians. The health care’s center has continued to deliver adequate services to the patients. (Dotson, 2017)The purpose of Tuberculosis Japan is mid-burden countries, with a notification 14.9 per 100,000 population (Dotson, 2017). Patient ages 65, and through to 80 years, is one of the third people to have Tuberculosis in Japan. One of the unique characteristics of Tuberculosis epidemiology is that in Japan people have been attacked with tuberculosis. (Dotson, 2017)The proportion of patients who have died is 18 %. The treatment outcomes for the patient with Tuberculosis in Japan successfully completing the treatment is 53%.  The total numbers patients 15,124 had pulmonary Tuberculosis. (Dotson, 2017)Quantitative Research one of the three research in the areas to detect the patients diseases. Screenings, and diagnosis of Tuberculosis 33%. The development of Tuberculosis, the treatment, evaluations, and therapeutics, and the interventions is 24.5% and the etiology and the risks factors 20.0%. (CDC, WHO, 2020) The second one is the Tuberculosis testing, and drug resistant, and the test immunological. The third one future researches the genetic susceptible had linked to the Tuberculosis diseases had determined the HIV-Tuberculosis. (CDC, WHO, 2020)CDC data collected in 9,290 cases have been reported 2018 in the United States.An estimated number of people living with latent Tuberculosis infections 14 million in the United States. (Cellists, 2018) World health organization 1.2 million children felt ill with the tuberculosis global, and 206,000 deaths due to the Tuberculosis. (Cellists, 2018)Global TB incidents have fallen about 3% per year. This has needs to accelerates to 5-5% annual had declined had reaching the 2020 milestones that the end of Tuberculosis strategies. (Cellists, 2018)National health care treatment there are more than one type of the vaccines to treat Tuberculosis MMR. CDC have been working to help states and the community to increase the Tuberculosis programs and they’re surveillance for latent infections. (Cellists, 2018)The analysis sputum smear microscopy allows the test results faster, and reliable to identify the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. (Gupta, 2015)The positive cases had detected rates and cure rates of Japan districts had achieved success of the target programs. But, the high proportions Tuberculosis had also been detected in the patient account on the presence of the local medical specialists. (Gupta, 2015) Analyses programs indicators compared from the different countries Russia 90% to 94% from 2017.is the cure rates. Cure rates had performed for Indian, from 2010 to 2015 96%-98%. Global, the treatment success rates had extended rates to 99% -100% from 2017. The world health regions reported from European Regions in 2018 the lowest global rate is 57 percents of the population. (Siren, 2018)The values of the test statistics, and sensitivity, and specifically the providers used the Bayesian test statistics to compute the several patients. The test is a top priority to prevalence is the values Tuberculosis tested in to target the populations 0.177. (CDC, WHO, 2020)The posterior ties is the probability’s values of the computed arithmetic 0.7715, and that there are obtained by using the graphical methods is 0.73.The tuberculosis is the most common opportunistic infections have been causes to leads people have been dying to HIV positive worldwide.( CDC,WHO,2020)The tuberculosis treatment outcomes, monitors, and analyzes the responsibilities factors to success with the treatment for the patient. The paramount are important, evaluate, the effective, and efficient, of the Tuberculosis, and the interventions TB programs .( CDC,WHO,2020) The studies, aims, assess, the Tuberculosis treatment outcomes, and with factors  associates for the public health, especially, Eastern Ethiopia study’s TB cases for male 69.%.  Females 65%. Southern Ethiopia 59%.( CDC,WHO,2020) The higher TB rates among males than the females may be due to the facts males have been attracted to TB more than females. Women are less attracted from the TB diseases according to health institutions less females have been reported to have Tuberculosis. (CDC, WHO, 2020)ReferenceDotson, Ward, R.M. (2017) Alpha female leadership measures. Journal of leadership & Organizational studies.Cellists. (2018) health education journalSiren, Philips N. Sedans, Hanna E. (2018-2020) International Journal health information.CDC National Health World health organization global (2020). Tuberculosis control surveillance, and finances. WHO retrieved from https://www.who.int.publications global Reports.Gupta, SN. Gupta (2010-2015) Evaluations national tuberculosis control programs.

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