group problem solving essay
Once your group meeting is complete, you will analyze your experience in a reaction essay by answering the questions below. The essay should be 3 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
*use 4 people in a discussion to problem solve what is listed below.
Reaction Essay Questions
Verbal/Nonverbal Analysis – Did each group member contribute to the problem solving discussion? How did the group decide who would talk at a time? Did one group member talk more than others? Overall was the group effective with verbal communication? How did nonverbal messages contribute to the group process?
Listening Analysis– How effective were the group members at listening to one another? Was there a member who exhibited good or poor listening skills? Why are listening skills important when working in a group?
Conflict Analysis – Did your group experience any conflict or differing opinions? What type of conflict: pseudoconflict, simple conflict, or ego conflict? How did conflict impact the group problem-solving experience? If conflict was not experienced, how did your group avoid conflict?
What insights did you gain about the interpersonal communication process through working in this problem-solving group?
If you work with others in your class on this project, you need to turn in your own original reaction essay. Your group may not write up a single reaction essay and turn it in for all group members.
Your child is constantly late. Late to school, late to dinner, etc. The habitual lateness is causing frustration at home.
The issue appears to be repetitive because of the child’s lack of motivation. For the child to want to do better they must be given some type of stipulations. For example, limit their online game play time as it seems to be a distraction from what is going on around them. Or to put a time limit on their cellphone because electronics and social media seems to be the reason for the tardiness.
This issue directly impacts everyone in the household. It impacts the mother as she is late for work due to the child not paying attention and missing the bus. Their younger siblings are late for school as a result because they must be dropped off as well. At the mother’s job they are also feeling the side effects as they are waiting for her to get in to work to assist in reports and meetings etc.
By installing a time limit on the child’s online game account, it will bring them back to reality on how time passed by so quickly when they started playing. By limiting their cell phone as well it would also assist in the issues with being on social media all day. She could also set a timer on the wifi to turn off at a certain time to ensure that it enforces the other stipulations listed above.There is a chance that the child can attempt to deviate away from the plan, but by getting assistance from anyone else in the house it would also reinforce this. If the child is late for school and it isn’t far, then he can walk. He will learn by trial and error that he must too fix his own problems or he will suffer also.