for skyessays
INSTRUMENTS/PERFORMANCE: List the instruments you hear and provide a short paragraph as to what stood out and why.
2) SOUND: Including use of dynamics, overall major or minor key, emotions evoked, was timbre(s)/tone color a priority? (paragraph).
3) RHYTHM: Including meter(s), tempo(s), beat, retardation and acceleration, pausing & stops, pattern(s), contributing instruments, was rhythm a priority? (paragraph).
4) MELODY: Including contributing instrument(s) to melody, climax, shape, range, themes, motives, syncopation, virtuosity, was melody a priority? (paragraph).
5) HARMONY: Including contributing instrument(s) as accompaniment for the melody, texture(s), chords, consonance/dissonance, tension – how it was achieved and if there was release, was harmony a priority? (paragraph).
Group 5: Haydn: “Cello Concerto in C” 3rd movement only, performed by Stjepan Hauser (You Tube by Stjepan Hauser)