Five pages paper.Topic is Enviroment Ethics
1. Choose your topic from the list of topics in the syllabus. Develop your topic from the discussions brought
2. Research the topic by looking for articles about your topic from at least four search tools in Kent Library.
The paper must make attribution to or quote at least five sources, which will also be listed in your Works Cited
The textbook must be one source.
You are encouraged to use at least two scholarly or academic journals.
Do not use an encyclopedia as one of your sources.
3. The paper should be a minimum of 1500 words and should be double spaced. The works cited list is
4. The paper should be written in MLA style. Sources must be attributed within the paper in addition to being
5. WORKS CITED (Annotated)
Use MLA style for Works Cited and give a brief summary (annotation) of the article or source beneath the
All information accessed through these searches, and subsequently used directly or indirectly in your paper,
The final paper is due on finals week. You should submit it through the digital drop box.