eng1102 eassy mla style 1200words
Our third essay is on Drama, to be specific the genre we experienced during the week 3 reading of A Doll’s House.
I am going to give you two choices for this essay–write either one, but be absolutely certain that you have an essay–that is to say, not a paragraph. Unless you have a complete essay, you will not generate any points of the 100 points allocated for this assigned writing.
The first choice, I suspect the most popular, will be to go to Youtube, as some of you have already done, and view the play, A Doll’s House, and then write an essay on the difference between reading the play as opposed to seeing it. As you know, a play is made to be seen, not read, so the experiences in most cases and for most people are quite different. Do not, no matter what you write, regurgitate the plot–that does not address the question and can not generate one point.
The second option might be interesting, perhaps a bit more challenging, but I suspect will be addressed by some few students. Write an essay examining any similarities between A Doll’s House and Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple. For the comparison you may use text or film versions of either one, but you are to examine something you see as perhaps a common theme or subject. As always, if you have any questions, please email me at once.
Regardless of your choice, you are graded on an MLA essay in Formal Standard English with proper grammar and punctuation. We write on a variety of topics during the course, but the goal is to leave this class and move on in your degree program with a greater ability and confidence to deal with the writing requirements of your future courses. To that end we write, receive and process feedback, produce improved second drafts and, hopefully, become better writers and students.