discussion responses 65
Please respond to the following discussion posts
Research in Healthcare
Maelese C posted
What I am curious about in my current professional setting is how to become an more opioid free facility.
A).I suppose the the two groups I would survey would be pain patients but some that are on opioids and some that were not on opioids.
B.) a “treatment†I would offer would be for the opioid patients, I would try to seek other alternative methods instead of medication that would include, physical therapy, acupuncture, invasive procedures, etc. Where as the non opioid patients I would probably consider taking away opioids and do a psychological evaluation to see if indeed they were experiencing pain or if it was just all in there head.
C.) For measuring this objectively I would do vital signs and I would also order an EEG to track Brian activity.
D.) My timeline for this study would be roughly 60-90 days.
2.) Do to the opioid crisis in the world, this study is related to seeing if my clinic/ other clinics to provide alternative methods to help patients to not be depend on opioid medication, the study would last roughly 60-90 days and would be strictly monitored by daily vitals and EEG/neurological testing.
3.) Opioid dependency VS. Non Opioid dependency, the need in the low income communities for pain medicine, providing alternative treatment methods other than prescribing medication, perform extensive work ups before any treatment options are given.
4.) I want to solve this Problem Statement because Opioids have become very detrimental in this country and I not only see it on a daily basis but I’ve had people that were close to me die and or become an addict.
Educational Concept
Apply a Learning Theory
Kajauna M posted
I would teach Asthmatic patients about their medications, and the proper use. The theory I would use is the constructivist theory. I have dealt with long term asthma as a kid, using an inhaler on a nebulizer machines aren’t easy necessarily easy techniques. The equipment often updates over the years as well. A constructive way to teach asthmatic patients are to have them read the instructions and interpret how to use the equipment on their own. While teaching the class I would create an online training module that includes, full on instructions to ensure the patients are grasping a full understanding of what they are learning. The modules will facilitate learning from experience, it will also allow the learning to be meaningful and give the patients the option to interact with their findings.Each learning module will display instructions of how to use a nebulizer, where to store the product, and who to contact for wear and tears. After each module there will a constructive activity to engage the patient, such as fill in the blank sentences, completion of definitions charts, and informational scavenger hunt games. Before the patient can move onto the next module there will be a small assessment making sure the students are receiving and interpreting the knowledge based on what they have just experienced.By giving the patients constructive learning and providing an end goal, the patients are more inspired to learn, which will prolong their memory. The constructivist theory can help prove that the resolution of conflict can help spark memory.
Constructivist theory studied by Jerome Seymour Bruner, is incorporated throughout most of your learning through out your life. In college you’re instructed to read a book and post a discussion or complete a quiz, investing in your learning. When you get a new job, you are given training modules like the ones I described up above. Undoubtedly this learning engages your attention and sparks memory. This way of learning is somewhat like the behaviorist theory Ivan Pavlov proposed, except your learned behavior is in response to a stimulus. A baby would make a good example, toddlers get to a stage where they can hear their mother shaking a bottle and they instantly begin to salivate knowing it’s time to feed, or for babies that are breast fed, when picked up by a woman they begin to salivate and anticipate the feeding motion.
Cherry, K. (2019). Learning Theories In Psychology. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/learning-theories-in-psychology-an-overview-2795082
Apply a Learning Theory
Catherine Cposted
Social learning theory is what I have chosen to teach patients how to manage their own diabetes care. The language of this theory is known for self-efficacy which means to dictate the behaviors and establish them into an action plan. The participants setup their own “SMART” goals. They discovered new ways to manage their diabetes care by consulting with a physician about their depression or making low-fat meals. Also, as part of their health assessment was to complete a depression questionnaire. The participants results showed that depression is more common in diabetic patients. In order to get participants is by reinforcing the importance of living a healthier and better life as their diabetes is under control (Skinner, Cradock, Arundel, & Graham, 2003).
Social learning theory helps individuals manage their diabetic care by themselves. The theory is a good tactic tool to have participants write their goals and their barriers. One of the ways to overcome their barriers is by problem solving. Self-efficacy is so effective that patients are exploring different ways to live a better and healthier life with diabetes. A positive gain would be if a patient loves foods but the foods are high in sugars and consists of bad fats, then the alternative would be to eat foods that contain lower fats. Since diabetic patients are more commonly depressed, then it is suggested for them to speak to a physician or possibly join an anti-depression group. This is the best theory to manage diabetes care because it is a great way to promote patients to be truthful to themselves and to be determined to accomplish their goals while being diabetic. Also, self-efficacy has been the most successful and consistent in self-help behaviors and has been useful for psychological needs. This theory is better than self-regulation theory. Self-regulation theory are for individuals that are not familiar with diabetes and to help clarify and understand diabetes more. Albert Bandura is associated with social learning theory (Skinner et al., 2003).
Skinner, T. C., Cradock, S., Arundel, F., & Graham, W. (2003). Four theories and a philosophy: self-management education for individuals
newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum, 16(2), 75-80. https://doi.org/:10.2337/diaspect.16.2.75
A Teaching Lesson Made for Me
Medina S posted
I choose the education planner quiz. The reason I choose this particular quiz is that I believe also shows a lot about my learning style. I tend to get distracted very easily. This quiz had a straightforward format that gave me one question at a time. Unlike the VARK quiz, which I quickly decided was not for me. My results for the Education Planner quiz did not come as a surprise to me. My results came out as 40% tactile, 30% visual, and 30% auditory. Due to my tragic lack of ability to focus, it has always been easier for me to learn by figuring things out on my own.
Tactical or kinesthetic learning is considered to be more hands–on and requires movement. These learners are often seen tapping a foot or a pencil to try and keep their focus (Hutton, 2013).
With my career, if I go on vacation or there is a holiday, I often work remotely as my job has many components that can be hard to teach. However, if I did have to explain my position to someone else, my learning plan would be heavily kinesthetic, not only to keep the student intrigued but also myself. Kinesthetic learning evolves a lot of hands-on and moving tactics. I would first break down all the components of the position on to a clear syllabus or handout, not only to keep the student on track but also, myself. This syllabus would break down the different learning goals; this can be a bit lengthy for this job so that I will omit a few. For instance, the goals would be as followed, learn how to navigate referral systems, learning how to read a patient referral, understand what patients we can accept, and learn how to enter patients into the facility database.
When I learned how to do these things, it was merely by that, doing them myself, however, with being in the industry for five years, I have a good idea of an effective method. When it comes to learning the referral systems, I would get the student a laptop and set them up beside me. I would have my screen visible and ask them to navigate referrals as I did. This gives the learner a hands-on approach without throwing them in. As far as understanding the patients that can or cannot be accepted, I had a cheat sheet as to what was or was not offered in the facility. Although it was a great tool, I rarely use it now and could have had a better understanding if done differently. To teach the learner, I would have them read a referral that I previously reviewed and actively discuss the reasons this potential patient could or could not be admitted and why. This keeps the learner engaged without making them check back to their notes every time they read a referral. As far as learning how to enter a patient into the facility database I would use a laptop again and walk the learner through it as I did it. I would then have them complete it independent and ask questions as needed.
Hutton, S. (2013, August 12). Helping Kinesthetic Learners Succeed. Retrieved from http://www.education.com/magazine/article/kinesthe…
A Teaching Lesson Made for Me
Brent R posted
I have taken the VARK Questionaire which is a series of questions that ask of what you prefer in certain scenarios.VARK has four categories of learning; visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. Depending on your choices within the question, points are added to a total. The majority of points were in aural, reading/write and kinesthetic with the most in the kinesthetic category. This means that I have a multimodal learning preference. A duty that I perform on a daily basis at work involves the morning chest x-ray series on patients who are inpatients. Our technologists call it the “Morning Run”. We typically run a two-man team with this occasion so that we run efficiently. For someone new to the morning run, I would have them learn hands-on what is required while also giving them advice before, during, and after. This way of being exposed to a new challenge puts in perspective what our occupation involves. The work environment is very unstable. Some mornings will be nothing except fully capable adults who can follow instructions, while others can be multiple, consecutive contact patients which requires us cleaning the equipment after each use. We will be in contact with patients who are in pain, upset, mentally unstable, patients that need considerate care, and patients that will scream at you until the procedure is over. Once the first morning run has been completed, we can stop and assess our performance and improve upon what has happened. The use of a kinesthetic approach while also giving verbal advice was the way, my supervisor instructed me for the duty when I was in training. Once I feel as though I have given all the advice I can, I will let them take charge of the next morning and work with them as I would our seasoned technologist.