discussion reply 127
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Discussion # 2: Maria Henriquez
Maria Henriquez
U.K. and U.S. Healthcare Systems
Being one of the most powerful countries in the world and boasting the leading positions in many spheres of life, the United States of America is often criticized for its imperfect healthcare system. Comparing it to a system in another influential world player – the United Kingdom – can help to understand the lapses and drawbacks better, facilitating the provision of adequate recommendations for the improvement. One of the strategies in this respect is the involvement of the advanced practice nurses (APNs) who can apply certain advocacy and politics interventions to improve the current situation.
Differences in the U.K. and the U.S. Healthcare Systems
The main difference between the healthcare systems in the United Kingdom and the United States is the way they are funded. While the former uses a single-payer system that is completely public and funded by taxpayers, the latter practices a hybrid system funded by both public (available only for the poorest, veterans and the elderly) and private entities, including insurance, taxes, and beneficiary premiums (Childers, 2016). Perhaps, this issue is the main reason for the second difference between the two countries – the level of healthcare services quality. According to Childers (2016), a 2014 study ranked the U.S. and the U.K. systems last and first accordingly in comparison to 10 similar economically developed nations, which is rather indicative. Indeed, the United States has higher rates of mortality, premature deaths, disease burden, and medical errors, experiences more frequent hospital admissions for preventable diseases, and provides slower access to a doctor or nurse for adult patients than in other similarly large and wealthy countries (Sawyer & McDermott, 2019).While in the United Kingdom, the government can regulate and effect changes in the healthcare system more effectively, the inclusion of the private funders in the U.S. system limits the regulation powers of the federal government.
APNs’ Role in Improving the Situation
The situation can be improved if advanced practice nurses implement some intervention opportunities related to advocacy and politics. Firstly, they can take part in the community, county, state, and federal forums on healthcare that provide a platform for highlighting their experiences and views on the manner improvements can be implemented (Joel, 2018). Another opportunity is engaging authorities and legislators at different levels. Joel (2018) explains that considering interactions between nurse practitioners and patients in clinical settings, APNs are in a strategic position to convince policy-makers on the necessary changes. They can use patient stories, needs and challenges in accessing care to persuade the legislators and authorities.
Childers, C. (2016, April 26). US and UK healthcare system comparison [Video file]. Retrieved from www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4Y0TKiwNgo
Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.
Sawyer, B., & McDermott, D. (2019). How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries? Retrieved from www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/quality-u-s-healthcare-system-compare-countries/#item-post-op-clots-better-u-s-comparable-countries
Patricia Lopez Fernandez RN, BSN.
Health Care Policy
Discussion Board 2
I think this is an interesting discussion, since they have big difference in comparison, first both systems differ in administration and practice. The key differences are the method of financing and the form of payment for treatment: public or private. An improvement in the American healthcare system will be a reorientation toward greater government control and improved access to treatment for all groups of the population.
The Healthcare is designed to help people who suffer chronic diseases, emergencies or prevent and maintain a healthy life. As known, the American healthcare system is built on private funding, implemented through individual plans or payment for direct services (Sawyer & Gonzales, 2017). Potential difficulties in paying medical bills are offset by a high level of service, as US citizens can get help at any time and place, regardless of the severances of illness or injury. It can be concluded that the main characteristics of the American healthcare system are private funding and one of the best levels of responsiveness in the world.
The British national health care system is significantly different from the American. Firstly, this institution is financed through taxation of citizens and its percentage is the same for all (Childers, 2016). Consequently, patients of any population group are more protected by the state and will be able to receive help regardless of their individual plan or financial possibilities. The level of responsiveness of this system is rather weak due to the lack of doctors in different directions. Thus, even though the British NHS is funded by the state, it has difficulty providing patients with qualified professionals.
Childers, C. (2016). US and UK Healthcare System Comparison [Video]. Retrieved from
Sawyer, B., & Gonzales, S. (2017). How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries? – Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker. Retrieved from https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collecti…