discussion post and 2 one paragraph peer response 6
Background: There are numerous Calculus resources available online, whether they are demonstrations for use during class time or websites that students can access independently. Many of the resources are valuable learning tools but others are not worth the time and effort of students or teachers.
In about 250 words, please respond to the following questions.
- This week’s assignment was to research and select five different online resources that you feel would be beneficial in your classroom. For this week’s forum post, select your favorite resource, share the link and tell the group why you feel it would be beneficial. Tell the group the characteristics of this resource that makes it useful.
- For your peer response, click on one of your classmates’ links and give them feedback, positive or constructive criticism, about their resource.
Peer Response 1
My favorite resource is the YouTube video, “Calculating the Volume of a Solid of Revolution by Integration†(). I find this video beneficial because the speaker, Professor Dave, takes a new and sometimes scary concept and breaks it down quite nicely. He starts by discussing some concepts from geometry and earlier in Calculus that students should already have a grasp on, and he doesn’t use any big or super mathematical words to do so. He then introduces this new idea of three-dimensional figures with curvature and explores how to find the volume of a sphere using integration and properties of circles, content the students should be comfortable with. This leads into showing how solids of revolution are formed and the integral formula for finding their volume.
I really enjoy how Professor Dave doesn’t rush through the material even though it is simply taking two concepts students should already know and putting them together. When I watch the video, I feel very much engaged in the exploration and I think students would feel the same, without also feeling overwhelmed. However, I believe the visual aspects of this video are the most valuable. It can be very difficult to illustrate solids of revolution without any supplements. Not so importantly, I think students just appreciate hearing different voices from time to time, especially at this point in the year.
Peer Response 2
I have to say that this past year, I have come to really like Deltamath.com. This website covers many topics from middle school through high school courses. Best of all it is a free site.
Teachers are able to set up classes and make assignments for the students to complete. You can choose how many problems students have to get correct before they have completed the assignment.
I find this site beneficial because it is a skill based site focused on precision. It provides students with step by step examples when needed and will even solve the current problem for them. The site allows for students to practice the actual how to of the skills and leaves time in class to move towards greater understanding and application of the skill. I’ve found that some topics are presented in a different way and this can help students see how to complete the skill from a different view.
The data it provides is very useful. I am able to see how students are progressing, how many problems it took for a student to master the skills, and I am able to see the problems the student completed and look for a pattern in their misunderstanding for be able to provide feedback to help further the student’s mastery of the skills.
Once the assignment is due, teachers are provided with a percent grade of successful completion. This grade can be entered into the academic record if desired.