database memo
The purpose of this exercise is to provide students with the opportunity to visualize your table definitions before you begin building your tables. In order to facilitate this process, I have provided a short description on how they relate to each other.
Course – This is the general course information. This includes high level details about the courses but not necessarily the details related to a given section of the course.
Faculty – This is the instructor that would be hosting a class.
Location – This is the details around the given location in which the session will be hosted.
Section – This is the actual details around where the section may be hosted including location, time, date, instructor and so on.
Student – This is the student that would be attending a class.
You should think of this in a normalized sense. After normalizing your data set, you should have created references through the user primary and foreign keys and so forth.
To Do:
Identify what fields from the list below belong to which table.If you are uncertain, place the field under the column with your argument on why it should belong.Write your answers in the columns below the table names.
Field List – choose and paste above in correct column
StudentID, Experience, Room, CourseNumber, EndTime, Days, WorkPhone, Status, FacultyID, CreditHours, DOB, PIN, LastName, CourseID, Rank, Description, WorkPhone, City, Building, State, HomePhone, Email, SeatsAvailable, Status, FirstName, MI, CellPhone, MI, CourseName, Address, Status, SectionID, CourseID, FirstName, SectionNumber, StartTime, LocationID, Status, Capacity, Status, Zip, LastName, LocationID
Justification for any that you found to be ambiguous and why you chose to put it in the table that you did.
- <Justifications here>
- As you go through the list, make sure to cross out the ones you did. Some will repeat and if they do repeat, it is likely the same field may go in two separate tables.
- Try to think in terms of references. How tables may relate to each other.
Useful tips –