composition assignment 2
Expressing Your Ideas for an Academic Audience and Plan for Additional Research
Apply what you have learned about formal language and academic writing to write your own 2- 2 ½ pages draft of an essay that analyzes a relevant change in your field of study. Your paper must analyze either what caused this relevant change or analyze what effect this change has had. It will also create a research plan for further revision, research, and development.
This Unit 6 Assignment essay draft will then be revised to include source information and become your Unit 8 Assignment.
To identify a relevant change in your field of study, consider the following options:
- Brainstorm a list of changes in your field of which you are already aware
- Talk to others, including friends, family members, classmates, and professors
- Do a quick Google search to create a list of changes in the field
- Identify topic ideas by reading an article from this list of articles
For a more detailed description of each option, consult this document.
As you identify a change to discuss, be careful with your choice of topic to ensure that you are actually writing about a specific change. Diabetes itself, for example, is not a change. The skyrocketing number of children with diabetes in the last decade is a change. Technology is too broad a topic that includes countless changes and would not work for this Assignment; however, limiting the issue of technology to a specific technological change, like the increased use of cloud computing, will work for this Assignment. Be sure also that the change has occurred and that it is not a change you would like to see happen.
To help you succeed on this Assignment, you will post your prewriting work about the topic that you choose for your essay to the Unit 5 Discussion Board.
You will then use feedback you received on your topic idea to make necessary revisions and then post a rough draft of your essay to the Unit 6 Discussion Board. The feedback you receive on your rough draft will then help you to revise your draft for submission as the Unit 6 Assignment.
You must also include an additional 1 paragraph research plan paragraph at the end of your paper as part of the Unit 6 Assignment. This plan identifies what you specifically think you need to do in Units 7–8 to research your topic, support your ideas, and strengthen your draft.
Be sure your Unit 6 Assignment meets the following requirements:
- Includes 4–5 fully developed paragraphs
- Focuses on one specific, relevant change that has already occurred
- Analyzes either cause or effect and does not take a position or make a recommendation
- Develops the main point through your own thoughts and observations, not through research
- Includes an additional research plan
- Applies APA 6th Edition format
- Avoids the use of outside sources at this point. However, if you use any source in any way in this draft, you must cite the source both in a references page and in text, whether you are quoting or paraphrasing
Utilize the following 5-minute video from the Writing Center to format the title page of your paper:
Find out how your instructor will grade your Unit 6 Assignment by reviewing the rubric.
Review a sample student Assignment.
In Units 3, 5, 7, and 9, you will practice your informal writing skills by writing in a Journal. Your Journal assignments will not only give you more experience with writing, but they will also offer you an opportunity to write without the stress often associated with formal projects. Journals become a way to connect course concepts to personal experiences, a place to process how things are going for you in the course, and a way to de-stress.
- As long as your response is on topic and submitted on time, you will receive 10 points for each Journal submission.
- Your Journal entries will only be read by your instructor, so think of them as being informal pieces of writing that are intended for you to express yourself and share ideas with your instructor who will provide you feedback on your Journal to encourage your growth as a writer.
Unit 7 Journal Prompt
Reflect on your experience writing your academic essay. What did you learn about your academic essay draft from the peer reviews you received in the Unit 7 Discussion Board? What strategies did you use to balance the use of paraphrased research with your own analysis? How might you apply the skills you learned this unit to writing for other classes and other academic writing situations?
CM107 Journal Rubric
CREDIT (10 Points): Journal is submitted on time and responds to the specific topic in a well-developed paragraph.
NO CREDIT (0 Points): Journal assignment is not submitted or it may not respond to the specific topic or may be so brief that it does not develop or clarify ideas.
Compose a Draft Academic Essay
Prepare: Complete the Unit 6 Reading and Learning Activities.
Step 2 Preview the academic essay Assignment.
Post: Write and post your Unit 6 Discussion Board initial post.
Compose a rough draft of your first 3 paragraphs of the Unit 6 academic essay Assignment. Be sure to develop your draft using your own ideas about the change in your field of study you are writing about. Use your own thoughts and observations to explain either what caused the change or to analyze the effects of this change.
Post your first 3 paragraphs, but if you are further along in the drafting process and your draft is longer, that is not a problem. Remember that a draft will have weaknesses, so do not hesitate to post your draft because it is not perfect. You will receive helpful feedback on your draft from your instructor and classmates.
Respond: Respond to classmates’ postings
Respond to at least two classmates’ drafts. Apply what you have learned about peer-reviews in the Unit 6 Reading and Learning Activities to offer your classmates specific, constructive, and helpful feedback. Do not grade your classmates’ drafts or comment on grammar. Avoid simply identifying problems. Instead, focus on one or two areas of the draft (e.g., development of ideas, topic sentences, or organization) and offer suggestions for how the classmates might improve on these areas. Remember to ask questions that engage your classmates as well.
Review: Use the feedback you received in step 2 to help you revise and edit your first 3 paragraphs, write the rest of your essay, and get it ready for submission to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox.
Review a sample student Discussion Board post.
Discussion requirements
Initial post should:
- demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
- be on topic
- be original
- contribute to the quality of the discussion
- make frequent and informed references to the unit concepts
Participation posts
- Demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
- Show evidence of active engagement in the discussion (e.g., asking questions, answering questions posed by peers, and making further connections to course readings)
- Advance the discussion
- Demonstrate active engagement in the discussion and familiarity with the unit concepts
- Go beyond agreement or praise
- Students are also encouraged to respond to instructor follow up posts and questions and to respond to the questions their classmates have posted in their responses
Find out how to write successful posts by reviewing the Discussion Rubric.
Reliable and Relevant Sources
Prepare: Complete the Unit 7 Reading and Activities sections.
Post: Make your initial post to the Discussion Board.
Locate one claim or point that needs to be strengthened within one body paragraph of your Unit 6 Assignment. Then find one reliable and relevant source that will support it. Include the URL link to the source in your post so your classmates can review the source.
Then, explain why this source is reliable and relevant to your paper.
Select a body paragraph from your Unit 6 Assignment that needs research information to support, develop, or clarify ideas effectively. Then, paraphrase and incorporate the relevant source from the source you selected into that paragraph to help clarify, develop, or explain your point or claim in that paragraph. Post both the original paragraph from your Unit 6 Assignmentand the revised paragraph that now includes research information. Do not worry about citing the source correctly — you will learn to do that in Unit 8. Instead, use a signal phrase inside the paragraph (like “According to Smith…â€) to introduce the source information within the paragraph.
Include an open-ended question about any issue your initial post raises which your classmates can help you with.
Respond: Respond to at least two classmates’ initial Discussion Board posts. Be sure to briefly review their source and comment on the reliability and relevance of the source your classmate has chosen. Offer suggestions for how your classmate might more effectively paraphrase and incorporate the source into the revised paragraph. Make suggestions for other, more reliable sources that could be used or more relevant information that needs to be included in the paragraph to support the classmate’s main point or claim. Remember, effective teamwork this week can help you and your classmates ensure you have reliable sources and are ready to hit the ground running and begin integrating paraphrased research into your draft.
After you receive feedback on the paragraph you chose to revise for the Unit 7 Discussion Board, continue working on revising the other paragraphs in your draft, one paragraph at a time. This will prepare you for success in the Unit 8 Discussion Board and Unit 8 Assignment.
Review a sample student Discussion Board post.
Discussion requirements
Initial post should:
- demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
- be on topic
- be original
- contribute to the quality of the discussion
- make frequent and informed references to the unit concepts
Participation posts
- Demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
- Show evidence of active engagement in the discussion (e.g., asking questions, answering questions posed by peers, and making further connections to course readings)
- Advance the discussion
- Demonstrate active engagement in the discussion and familiarity with the unit concepts
- Go beyond agreement or praise
- Students are also encouraged to respond to instructor follow up posts and questions and to respond to the questions their classmates have posted in their responses
Find out how to write successful posts by reviewing the Discussion Rubric.