complete 2 page community health essay leo 4
HCA402—Module #3: Written Assignment #3: Please see the grading rubric in the syllabus for specific requirements. In general, topics responses should be in the form of a short application paper, 2-3 pages in length in APA formatting, not including the required cover page and page for your reference list used to write about your chosen topics. In your paper:
1) introduce your topics,
2) discuss your topics, and then
3) make a conclusion about your topics.
Pick one (1) item from each of the (3) topic areas that interest you the most. Use the topic heading as a subtitle in your paper: TOPIC 1: Community health and schools.
1. What are three or more advantages of having school health services with a school nurse (RN or LPN)? Why wouldn’t schools have a nurse and what are the risks without one?
2. Provide five priority health content areas on which a school health curriculum should focus. As a health care professional, how will you get the school administrators to support the school health program(s)?
3. Explain what should be outlined in an effective school health curriculum and provide three examples of what students would learn and be able to do if National Health Education Standards are met.
TOPIC 2: Community health and maternal, infant, and early child care.
1. What does maternal, infant, and child health encompass, and how have community health initiatives and programs made a positive impact on reducing maternal and infant mortality.
2. What does child maltreatment include and how may health, public health, and schools help to reduce its prevalence in communities?
3. Name at least three of the strategies that are a part of the U.S. government’s Childhood Immunization Act under the Vaccine for Children program.
TOPIC 3: Community health, adolescent and young adults.
1. Provide at least three examples of behaviors related to unintentional injuries of high school students that are assessed as part of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) and discuss what interventions have or may help reduce them.
2. Describe what types of prevention programs are needed to change the culture as it relates to adolescents’ use of alcohol and/or recreational drug use.
3. The CDC lists six critical types of adolescent health behavior that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among adults and youth, which include 1) Alcohol and drug use, 2) Injury and violence (including suicide), 3) Tobacco use, 4) Nutrition, 5) Physical activity, 6) Sexual behaviors.