CO assignment # 2, 3, 4
Assignment # 1
Topic: Property
Not less than 1,000 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Must includeat least 2 separate verses from Scripture, quoted and applied as an integral part of the discussion, in the context of a biblical worldview. Must also support assertions with at least 3 scholarly sources other than the textbook/course materials. Each source must be cited in current APA format.
Thread Prompt:
Assume that you are Martin’s attorney, as well as his brother or sister in Christ. Looking at the situation from both a legal and a spiritual perspective, give Martin your best assessment of his legal rights in connection with the various property law issues that he has encountered, as well as your best advice as to how he should handle the situations.
In connection with this assignment, you may want to research the following legal concepts and incorporate what you find in your thread if you consider them relevant:
- Joint tenancy with right of survivorship;
- Adverse Possession (sometimes called prescription);
- Eminent Domain;
- See, e.g., Kelo v. New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005).
- Bailments;
- Good Faith Purchasers for Value; and
Any other legal concepts you believe may be relevant.
Assignment # 2
Topic: Starting and Naming a Business
Not less than 1,000 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Must includeat least 2 separate verses from Scripture, quoted and applied as an integral part of the discussion, in the context of a biblical worldview. Must also support assertions with at least 3 scholarly sources other than the textbook/course materials. Each source must be cited in current APA format.
Thread Prompt:
Complete the following steps:
- Advise Shania on which of the business forms under consideration best accomplishes her business goals. Thoroughly explain the reasons for your recommendation.
- Advise Shania on whether her company should become a franchise or should open as an independent coffeehouse. Explain your recommendation.
- Perform a corporate name search at this website to determine if the name Shania is considering is available for use in the State of Colorado. Also assess whether the name is available as a trademark. Even if the name is available, advise Shania on whether it is a good choice. Explain why or why not.
- Advise Shania on which of the interested persons she should include in her business, why, and in what role(s). If she chooses not to take in a particular party, what reasoning should she give each person, if any? Your analysis must include biblical perspectives, such as biblical considerations of marriage and of business relationships with non-believers.
Assignment # 3
In not less than 200 words and must include at least 1 verse of Scripture applied to the discussion. Must also support assertions with at least 2 scholarly sources other than the textbook/course materials. Each source must be cited in current APA format.
Assume that Shania opened her coffeehouse and became so successful that she has 20 employees and needs to promote 1 of them to be the night shift supervisor. The employee base is quite diverse; in fact, Shania believes she should promote a racial or ethnic minority employee to demonstrate how inclusive her business has become. Explore the legal, ethical, and biblical issues if Shania makes her promotion decision entirely on that basis. What are her options?