cis438 strayer case study 1 hipaa cia and safeguards
This question consists of two (2) sections: a written paper and a PowerPoint presentation. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this question. Label each file name according to the section of the question it is written for.
Health Information Technology (HIT) is a growing field within health services organizations today; additionally, health information security is a major concern among health organizations, as they are required to maintain the security and privacy of health information. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provides extensive information about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Visit the HHS Website, at, for more information about HIPAA requirements. In March 2012, the HHS settled a HIPAA case with the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee (BCBST) for $1.5 million. Read more about this case at As an IT security manager at a regional health services organization, your CIO has asked for the following: an analysis of this incident, an overview of the HIPAA security requirements necessary to prevent this type of an incident, and a briefing for management on the minimum security requirements to be HIPAA complaint.
Section1: Written Paper
- Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
- Describe the security issues of BCBST in regard to confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy based on the information provided in the BCBST case.
- Describe the HIPPA security requirement that could have prevented each security issue identified if it had been enforced.
- Analyze the corrective actions taken by BCBST that were efficient and those that were not adequate.
- Analyze the security issues and the HIPAA security requirements and describe the safeguards that the organization needs to implement in order to mitigate the security risks. Ensure that you describe the safeguards in terms of administrative, technical, and physical safeguards.
- Use at least three (3) quality resources in this question. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
- Create a six to eight (6-8) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
- Provide the following on the main body slides:
- An overview of the security issues at BCBST
- HIPAA security requirements that could have prevented the incident
- Positive and negative corrective actions taken by BCBST
- Safeguards needed to mitigate the security risks
- Provide the following on the main body slides:
The written paper must follow these formatting requirements:
- Include page numbers.
- Use 1-inch margins.
- Use Times New Roman, or Calibri font style.
- Use 12-point font size for the body of your text.
- Spell out numbers (one, two, three, and so on).
- Use double spacing throughout the bod.
- Use the point of view (first or third person) required by the question guidelines.
- Section headings should be used to divide different each content areas (items a-d above). Align section headings (centered) on the page, be consistent, and include at least two section headings in the question.
Section 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Your PowerPoint presentation must follow these formatting requirements:
- Include a title slide, four to six (4-6) main body slides, and a conclusion slide.
- Title slides should include the project name (title your work to capture attention if possible), a subtitle (if needed), the course title, and your name.
- Use spacing that improves professional style (mixing single and double spacing as needed).
- Use a background color or image on slides.
- Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font styles.
- Use 28-32 point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point.
- Use 36-44 point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style).
- Limit content per slide (no more than 7 lines on any slide and no more than 7 words per line).
- Include slide numbers when your slide show has 3+ slides. You may place the numbers wherever you like (but be consistent).
- Include appropriate images that connect directly to slide content or presentation content.