choose an article on a concept of particular interest to you from an outside source such as business smart briefs business week wall street journal or other business management periodicals books or internet sites 1
Choose a concept of interest to you from Leadership (as attached) and find an outside article that corresponds to your concept of interest as it relates to Leadership.
Format: 1.5 – 3 type written pages, minimum of 500 words, double spaced, professionally written, punctuation, spelling and grammar error free using APA format. There will be a .5 deduction for each error.
- Brief statement of the topic and why chosen. (5 points)
- Summary of the article. (10 points)
- Describe how the article relates to the topic from the chapter in the Daft book. (25 points)
- Describe what you learned from the article. (25 points)
- Citation of where you located the information. (1 point)
- Article format, professionally written, punctuation and spelling error free using APA
Article grading rubric
- Excellent (67.5-75pts) Answers all sections of rubric/questions in detail
relating to the concepts learned during the course. Answers are clear and concise and show creative critical thinking, with no APA, grammar or spelling error.
- Good (60-67.495pts) Answers all sections of the rubric/questions in detail
relating to the concepts learned during the course. Answers are provided with adequate and competent rational for solutions.
- Acceptable (52.5-59.95pts) Answers all sections of rubric/questions in
detail relating to the concepts learned during the course. Answers are provided with some rational for solutions.
- Needs Improvement (45-52.495pts) Doesn’t answer all rubric/questions
and/or doesn’t provide adequate solutions.
- Unacceptable (0-44.95pts) Does not address rubric/questions or provide
adequate solutions.