case proposal 1
1.5 to 2 pages double space
The Proposal should describe a strategic business challenge situation, related to one the following strategic issues: (a) the challenge of business positioning/establishment (including entering a new market issue), (b) the challenge of extension (including new market entry) or (c) the challenge of managing business portfolio with business growth/decline.
In your proposal, first, Introduce the company. This can be any type of organization (nonprofit, business, government, educational, etc.) in any country. We encourage you to consider your native country/community as the place where you find the organization to write about. Please provide us with the name of the organization (you later can disguise the name of the organization in your project).
1. Describe the challenge and the situation around the challenge (around 1 page).
- What challenge does the company face? What decision is to be made?
- Where is the challenge located (organization, industry, country)?
- When did the company face this dilemma?
- Who is a key decision-maker (a person, a group)?
- Why is it important for a company/decision-maker to solve this challenge?
The situation around the challenge: What triggered the challenge? Has the company already started working on this challenge? Describe a line of events. Describe the stand of major stakeholders towards this challenge, including competing points of view on how the situation/dilemma should be resolved.
2. Identify your access to the data (first-hand data/interviews or publicly available data). Explain
3. Identify your rationale for selecting this company for the project. Relate it to your career trajectory — based on the industry, type of organization, or type of the strategic challenge of your interest.