best tech guy
Marriage Interview Directions
Your assignment this week is to interview two sets of married couples and find out what factors contributed to their choice of spouse. Try to take in account of couples of varied ages, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic (SES) groups. You should structure your questions so that you obtain information on the following:
- the degree to which social factors contributed to the decision (i.e., age expectations, race, historical events, social class, religion, etc.), and
- the extent to which their marriage decision was the result of knowledgeable or default decision making (i.e., were alternatives explored, values clarified, a gut factor recognized, etc.?).
You need to develop a set of at least seven to ten questions to ask, conduct the interview and then write the responses out in an interview format. After conducting both sets of interviews you will then need to summarize your findings.
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Number of Questions
10 questions and answers.
9 questions and answers
8 questions and answers
Fewer than 7 questions and answers
Level of Questioning
Students asks at least 8 “how” or “why” questions that require the character to explain him/herself
Students asks 7 “how” or “why” questions that require the character to explain him/herself
Students asks 6 “how” or “why” questions that require the character to explain him/herself
Students asks only 5 or fewer “how” or “why” questions that require the character to explain him/herself
The interview demonstrates a complete knowledge of the novel’s events and characters
The interview demonstrates an understanding of the novel’s events and characters
The interview demonstrates a limited understanding of the novel’s events and characters
The interview demonstrates a very limited understanding of the novel’s events and characters
Project is excellently presented; the questions and answers are neatly typed or written in black ink
Project is presented well; the questions and answers are neatly typed or written in black ink
The questions and answers are typed or written in black ink; project appearance lacks care and maximum effort
The questions and answers are not typed or written in black ink
All essential concepts and principles are identified when comparing both interviews; Is organized to consistently reflect related categories of knowledge, clearly related to bigger theme or idea.
All essential concepts and principles are identified; Is organized to occasionally reflect related categories of knowledge, but is not related to a big idea. Comparison between interviews could be stronger.
Not all essential concepts and principles were identified; Little evidence of organization into related categories of knowledge. No comparison is made between the two interviews