art and culture 3
Please read the attached textbook (Thomspon) and answer the question(choose ONE from the three prompt options). Make sure refer back to the textbook. 400-600 words.
Select one of the prompts below and compose an essay in response. You may use any assigned reading or art work from this course, but primarily focus on Thompson. This assignment is not a research project—do not use outside sources.
1 Thompson presents the culture war as a clash over values. This clash manifested in a debate over the funding of artists through the National Endowment of the Arts. Relying on the art assigned for Week 2 as well as discusions of these events in Hunter and in Thompson, explain what values you believe NEA 4 threatened?
2 Thompson suggests that “truth†can be manipulated—it can never be a “fixed quantity†(Thompson, 27) Explain what Thompson means by this statement with particular reference to the influence of “the persuaders†(discuss ideas from Chapters 2-3).
3 Thompson titles Chapter 4 “Fear Machines.†Explain what he means by this statement and connect that meaning to the culture war as described in lecture and/ or in the reading by Hunter. In addition, to ONE of the following:
A)Analyze one or two pieces of assigned art from Weeks 1-3 and explain how that piece might either inspire “the fear machine†into action; OR,
B) Analyze how one or two pieces of assigned Art from Weeks 1-3 might defuse or subvert the “fear machine.†OR,
C) Describe how the “fear machine†phenomenon has impacted your own life.