annotated bibliography of any pathophysiology topic 1
Please choose a pathophysiology topic that interests you. Find sources and review the current literature on this topic. Find a total 15 sources that are relevant to your topic. All sources should be from peer-reviewed journals. Important Note: Only the first five sources are due with this first submission.
Use the following guiding questions to help your search:
- How significant is this medical condition?
- What causes this condition?
- What is this medical condition linked to (genetic, behavior, or environment)?
- Who is more affected by this medical issue?
The annotated bibliography should be prepared using APA (American Psychological Association) format and include a brief summary paragraph about each source following its entry, as shown in the examples below. A copy of the article should be uploaded to Canvas with the assignment. If a copy is not uploaded, no credit will be given for the Annotated Bibliography associated with that article.