advocating for children s outdoor play short word count 1200 words only
Question 1
Discuss if Singaporeans need to have a paradigm shift if we were to promote more outdoor learning for young children. Propose the kinds of policies and educational practices that would be required to support Singapore’s early childhood educators to promote outdoor learning. In your response, demonstrate your current understanding of local policies/practices, as well as knowledge of child development.
—–> yes, Singaporeans need to have a paradigm shift. Do elaborate on what kind of shift is required, and why?
Current Singapore’s policies:
1. currently, Singapore requires Gross motor activities to be carried out (For full day services) 1 hour daily, with at least 30 minutes outdoors or 45 minutes thrice weekly outdoors or equivalent, or (For half day services) 30 min thrice weekly, with at least one session outdoors or equivalent
(reference: page 29
2. Every child care centre shall have access to outdoor play space. The outdoor playground must be within walking distance from the child care centre, i.e. the children should not cross any vehicular roads to reach the playground. For playgrounds located on different levels, staircases must not be more than 2 flights of steps (maximum 10 steps each). (reference: Appendix C, or page 5) (Singapore is too safe?)
3. “The GUSTO cohort is based in Singapore, a high-income country where screen use is among the highest globally. At 2 years of age, about 75% of our study children exceeded the recent AAP recommendations for 2 and 3 year old children. Similarly to previous reports in older children, we found that SVT tracks moderately between 2 and 3 years. An increase in SVT between 2 and 3 years was mostly due to an increase in hand-held device SVT, consistent with findings from a cross-sectional study among Singaporean children aged 2 years and below.†(Proof that Singaporean toddlers have too much screen time?)
(Reference: )
4. “Several parental behavioral predictors were also observed. Maternal television viewing time ≥ 3 h/day was among the strongest predictors of children’s total SVT and television viewing time, but not of hand-held device viewing time. Paternal television viewing time ≥ 2 h/day was associated, although less strongly, with total and device-specific SVT. Previous studies have reported that the presence of frequent screen users in the household is associated with children’s screen behavior. Altogether, the evidence suggests that children’s screen use behavior is strongly influenced by parental behavior. Targeting parental behavior in early childhood may be a potentially effective avenue for interventions aimed at reducing children’s SVT.†(There need to be a shift in parent’s mindset? Root of the problem?â€
(Reference: )
— I’m not sure if you can find any other articles on Singapore’s childcare policies.
— Also include knowledge of child development — ie, children need outdoor play. why?
— Also, include on other good policies you may know from other countries to implement in Singapore.
Question 2
Select and review TWO recently published (i.e., in the last 5 years) journal articles that provides evidence to advocate for young children’s outdoor learning.
—-> I have attached 4 journal articles which MAY or MAY NOT be useful. Do choose the best 2, otherwise do help me to outsource your own.
Discuss what you have learned from these two articles and think about THREE things that you would do to support either 3-year-olds’ OR 5-year-olds’ (select one age group) enjoyment of and learning in the outdoors.
1500 words in total