adoptable kids
Visit the AdoptUsKids website.
Search for adoptable children using different criteria, such as different ages, sibling groups, etc.
Select 3 children and explore information on them that would indicate why they may or may not be easily adoptable.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing your search and answer the following questions:
· Why might these children be more easily placed in foster care or adopted than others?
· How could parents prepare to adopt or foster the children you have identified?
· What are some ways you could prepare these children for adoption or foster care?
· As a teacher, what might you do to help prepare a new student coming to your class who is being adopted or in foster care?
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
What resources are available for abused and neglected children in your local community? Are these services family-centered? If so, what makes them family-centered? If they are not, what could be improved upon to make them more family-centered?