eng 106 queer
Thus far, we have read one critical theory expert weighing in on what queer means and you have found your own source related to the same topic. Now it is your turn to explore the “open mesh of possibilities” of this conversation through comparative research, analysis, and synthesis.
Find at one peer-reviewed source that addresses the meaning of queer. You may use the bank of sources we built in class, but don’t use the source you added to this bank. Use one of the sources a classmate contributed. Write an essay that puts that source in conversation with Sedgwick’s “Queer and Now.”
How does each author understand queer/queerness? What disciplinary perspective does each write from and how might that influence their use and understanding of “queer”? What similarities, differences, and overlaps do you find? and what do you think they mean? What conclusions can we draw about the concept of queer/queerness and its academic, social, and political implications? What do these two texts suggest we will need to keep in mind as we continue to use the word queer in an academic context?
You will need to analyze each text, to differentiate your own ideas from the ideas in sources, and to clearly find your own place in the conversation by doing on-going analysis that goes beyond summary and agree/disagree responses.
Your essay should be no less than 5 and no more than 6 pages long, using 12 point, Times New Roman font, MLA standard character spacing, formatting, and citations. You will need to include a MLA formatted Works Cited (not part of the page count) with your first and second drafts.
and i drop my first assignment about the ‘How can we use Sedgwick’s explanation of queer to think about parts of human experience and/or identity beyond sexuality and gender? What experiences or identities can we use the “open mesh of possibilities” of queer to think about? As you respond to these questions, provide specific examples and include at least one direct reference to “Queer and Now,” in the form of a cited paraphrase or quote.’
you could accord my first assignment to write this essay.