environmental watch
Read the last week’s newspaper (concentrating on the weekend’s extensive coverage) or the â€Gale in Context†portal, and,
report on at least one major issue pertaining to the state of the environment.
Attach to your report a link or a picture of the article or report to which you are referring to.
your submissions must have a summary and a critical address of the discussion topic. It should be of one-page in length (about 500 words), typed, single spaced, with one-inch margins, using Times Roman 12pt font. By “a summary and a critical address of the discussion topic,†I mean that you are asked to write a short summary of the discussion topic of that week and add to that your thoughts, comments and reflections about that issue.â€
- http://libproxy.sdsu.edu/
login?url=https://go.gale.com/ ps/start.do?p=GRNR&u=san96005 - Username for sdsu library: aalsagri4936@sdsu.edu
- password: Sandiego96