research and proposed approach
Micro-plastics in Tampa Bay Research and Proposed Approach
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to orient you to the marine microplastics problem globally and locally so that you understand the scope of the problem and can identify how engineering solutions play an important part in addressing the issue. Through this assignment you will:
- identify and define the global plastics and microplastics problem
- identify steps that are being or have been taken in an attempt to address the issue
- begin to consider the roles that money, government, and politics play in aiding or hampering research, innovation, and practical solutions
- identify the approach you, as an engineer, would prefer to take to address the problem
- identify your goals and objectives
- communicate your findings and preferences to an audience of your peers
Step 1: Background Research
#Read/watch/listen to/view the resources provided below:
1-Microplastics Overview
- NOAA: What are Microplastics? (Links to an external site.)(watch/read)
- NOAA: Diving Deeper Podcast: Episode 66, Microplastics (Links to an external site.)(listen)
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (Links to an external site.) (watch)
2-Microplastics in Tampa Bay
- Study: Science Direct Article (read)
- Tampa Bay Times Article: 4 billion particles of tiny plastics pollute Tampa Bay, study finds (Links to an external site.)(watch/read)
- USF & Eckerd College: “New Study Reveals Four Billion Particles of Microplastics in Tampa Bay Waters (Links to an external site.) (read)
3-The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- The Ocean Cleanup: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Links to an external site.)(watch/read/view)
- National Geographic: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Links to an external site.)(read/view)
- Independent: How scientists plan to clean up plastic waste threatening marine life (Links to an external site.)
- Mic: Plastics and climate change are more deeply linked than you may think
# Familiarize yourself with the microplastics issue, and the 2019 study on microplastics in Tampa Bay. You should conduct additional background research as you see fit, but ensure that you use only credible sources.
- Broad definition of the problem: In 2-3 sentences, broadly define the problem as you understand it.
- The microplastics problem as specifically related to Tampa Bay: In 2-3 sentences, specifically define the problem as it relates to Tampa Bay.
Step 2: Research Global Approaches
Conduct research to find out how the microplastics issue is being addressed globally. Find answers for the following questions:
- What kind of research is being conducted on microplastics across the world? (Think about fields of research, research on cleanup and prevention, etc.)
- What kinds of inventions or solutions have been or are being developed to address the issue of marine plastics and microplastics?
- From a policy/governmental perspective, what are some examples of how non-US countries are trying to deal with the plastics and microplastics problem? (Include regulations, bans, task forces, cleanups, prevention, etc.)
- Briefly describe examples in two US states other than Florida that show how state governments are attempting to address the microplastics problem
- What cleanup or prevention steps have been taken by government in the Greater Tampa Bay Area (Links to an external site.) (focus on Tampa, Saint Petersburg, and Clearwater) that might address the microplastics issue? How were the initiatives received? How are the initiatives being actualized?
- Based on your research, what are your thoughts on how the microplastics issue is being addressed globally, nationally (US), and locally?
Step 3: Determine Your Preferred Project Approach
The microplastics problem is extensive, and through your research, you have heard and read about a variety of ways that it is being addressed. Which approach would you prefer to take for this project: prevention, or cleanup?
- Explain why you think your preferred approach (prevention or cleanup) is the better choice
- Specifically describe your idea or ideas for this project.
- Remember: Engineering students are frequently asked to think about or solve real-life problems in their classes, and sometimes students come up with amazing solutions that are actually adopted and implemented into the big-wide-world.
Step 4: Define the Goal or Objective
Here, you will define a preliminary goal or objective. For this assignment, your goal or objective must be clear and concise, reflect careful attention to the problem, and align with the problem approach. Define the Goal or Objective,” and specifically attend to the specific requirements of this assignment.
Step 5: Summary
Offer a summary (1-2 paragraphs) of the above information. Summarize your thoughts on the microplastics problem, and how it is being addressed globally, nationally, and locally. Connect your approach to your goal or objective, as well as to instances around the world where countries and people are taking action.
Step 6: Submission
Format your submission so that you use each heading above (“Step 1: Background Research,” […] “Step 4: Define the Goal or Objective,” etc.), with your findings included below each heading. Your findings should be well organized and clearly defined, as demonstrated below (the example below is intended to demonstrate formatting, NOT answers, wording, specific countries, etc.)