technical writing style
This is the original version of the document you will revise for Project 1. At the end of this module, you will submit a REVISED version of this document. Base your revisions on the Project 1 assignment sheet and rubric requirements.
Tutoring is offered by the Writing Center that is intended for all students who are working on any writing assignment in any credit course. Faculty tutors work with students one-on-one on all phases of the process of writing. Tutors help students generate ideas, develop and support thesis statements, organizing material, integrate and document sources, and refine sentences. In addition, grammar specialists are available to address grammar and style issues at the sentence level. We do not write your paper, proofreading your paper, research your paper, predict grades.
The Writing Center is located in french Hall, Room 114. You can contact the Scheduling Desk at (301) 546-0748. The Writing Center Coordinator is Dr. Abby Bardi.
Online Tutoring via E-mail: Send your question or paper to, using your PGCC email account. Please do not send attachments; cut and paste your message into the email.
Schedule for Fall and Spring Semesters
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 8:30 pm Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Saturday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm Sunday: Closed
Schedule for Summer Semesters Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 7:30 pm Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Weekends: Closed
Making an appointment can be accomplished by calling (301) 546-0748, or making one in person can be done at the scheduling desk located next to the Writing Center. Appointments may be made up to two weeks in advance.
Here are some tips for making your Writing Center appointment as productive as possible: You should be on time because arriving 10 minutes late will forfeit your appointment, state your needs clearly so we know how to help you, have your materials (including an assignment sheet or prompt and other course materials) ready, schedule your appointment with enough time to revise your work after the appointment, and be open to suggestions that may mean starting your paper from the beginning.
For other helpful resources can be found by going to the Library ( for research help and information literacy, eee LibGuides ( for Citation Style Guides, or the OWL at Purdue ( for help with APA and MLA formatting and avoiding plagiarism.
part 2
Audience & Situation Analysis |
Document: |
Writing Center Explanation |
Intended Audience: |
eee Students |
Why will the intended audience use the document? |
What is the audience’s reading method? skim, thoroughly read, memorize, and/or provide feedback or revisions on the document? |
What is the audience’s reading skill level? |
How will the reader’s reading purpose and method affect the document design? |
How will the reader’s reading method and/or reading skill affect writing style? |
Revision Notes Instructions
The Document Revision assignment sheet explains the requirements for types of revisions you make to the unformatted Writing Center document. On the following page, you will summarize your revisions.
For the Technical Writing Style Revisions chart, write the original sentence or phrase in the first column, your revised version in the second column, and the writing style category in the third column. I’ve given you a fake sample in red italics (remove this and make your text black and not italics when you complete the chart). You can add more revisions, but you are only required to make 8 specific changes (4 categories x 2 revisions each).
For the Document Design Revisions chart, explain how you improved on each area of the document’s design. Your explanation must be thorough and clearly establish that you know what each design element is and how your design revisions improved the document for your audience.
For both charts, I must see your changes reflected in the revised document itself. Additionally, proofread your charts for obvious grammar and typo issues. This is a professional writing class: nothing says unprofessional like obvious typos!
Technical Writing Style Revisions |
Original Sentence or Phrase |
Your Revised Sentence or Phrase |
Revision Category (from assignment sheet) |
In order to identify incongruencies that exist in the process.. |
To identify process incongruencies |
Writing concisely / real subject / real verb |
Writing concisely / real subject / real verb |
Active voice |
Active voice |
Appropriate formality / language |
Appropriate formality / language |
Parallel structure for lists |
Parallel structure for lists |
Design Area |
What specific design changes did you make to this area and how did that revision improve the document? |
Alignment/chunking/white space |
Typography / contrast |
Repetition |
Headings |
Bulleted lists |