defining a clinical question in terms of the specific patient problem aids the searcher in finding clinically relevant evidence in the literature 2
Defining a clinical question in terms of the specific patient problem aids the searcher in finding clinically relevant evidence in the literature. The PICO Model is a format to help define your question. A “well-built” question should include four or five parts, referred to as PICO(T) that identify the patient problem or population (P), intervention (I), comparison (C) outcome(s) (O) and when appropriate time (T). This assignment takes you through steps in formulating an answerable question that is relevant to your clinical practice.
Your PICOT question must be formulated as an intervention/treatment question and you must use the template provided for this assignment. Failure to use the required template will result in a grade of zero.
****This is my PICO(T) question:(P) In adult COPD patients (I) how does smoking cessation (C) compare to continued smoking (O) affect the progression of the disease (T) within 3-6 months?****
You can adjust this question to help you out in writing the paper but please keep the format similar. I will upload the template and article that I found. If you feel that you can find a better article on the topic please do so.*** You must use the template to answer the questions!!! **** MUST BE APA