250 discussion response homeland security resilience
Respond to Darlene:
When it comes to the security of the nation there should be measures in place everywhere you turn to ensure the resilience of the country. Being able to properly plan, prepare, and execute will help ensure that this happens. “It is the role of DHS and its partners to understand and manage these myriad homeland security risks.†(Risk Management, 2011, p.7). The more people understand the better prepared they will be to react when the time comes. It takes everyone from public to private sectors to ensure that there are procedures in place to guarantee resilience for the economy and politics of the United States. If there is any disruption in these two areas than there can be major crisis and people go into panic mode. The DHS Risk Management Process is Define the context, Identify potential risk, Assess and analyze risk, develop alternatives, decide and implement, and evaluate and monitor. When following these steps it will help with any decision making processes needed and help facilitate a more resilient nation.
The two areas in the country that pose the greatest economic and political threats would be critical infrastructure security and natural hazards such as flooding and earthquakes. There are many threats and risks associated with critical infrastructure such as ports and transportation. If the largest ports in the country are targeted from the cargo they are bringing in than it could possibly destroy one of the largest import export facilities. This could lead to a disaster for the economy. It could possibly end transportation between certain countries because it may cost more money to send their good to a different port which they may not be willing to do. Assessing these terrorist threats by use of fusion centers for information sharing can help with the resilience because they can be properly prepared if there was something like that to happen. It may not bring down the economy as harsh as projected if taken care of fast enough.
For natural hazards such as the weather or climate changes there are many risks associated with that for the economy and politics as well. The economy may take a major hit if a hurricane comes in and destroys businesses, shops, and homes. If there is no plan in place to fix the issues right away people may risk having to leave the area which could make the economy suffer. If there are crops in that area that are ruined than people’s way of making money and living goes way down as well. For political aspects these threats could give governors or Congressmen a bad name if they do not have procedures in place to help restore what was lost. If people in charge of the National Guard do not feel the need to deploy their services and that could also hinder resilience. I chose critical infrastructure security and natural hazards as the two main issues with resilience and economic and political threats to the United States because they are the two that cannot be controlled right down to the timing of disaster. No one can control the weather or climate and critical infrastructures especially port security can be hard to ensure one hundred percent because there are cargo shipments from all over the world and it is transported in metal containers that can be hard to track what is inside once sealed. Resilience in the United States is key to a well working government, and everyone involved including civilians need to be knowledgeable and prepared when time comes.
Chen, J., Chen, T. H. Y., Vertinsky, I., Yumagulova, L., & Park, C. (2013). Public-Private Partnerships for the Development of Disaster Resilient Communities. Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=ef76c672-2425-4754-bdb4-2ff6088bc779%40sessionmgr102.
National Research Council. (2010). Review of the Department of Homeland Security’s Approach to Risk Analysis. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from https://www.nap.edu/read/12972/chapter/6.
Risk Management Fundamentals. (2011). Homeland Security Risk Management Doctrine. Retrieved from https://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/rma-risk-management-fundamentals.pdf.