art 1a writing warm up
The Writing warm-up, which is worth 20 points, is designed to familiarize you with the task of writing in detail about works of art, as well as supporting your ideas by using weekly Documents, Spotlight on Technique videos, and Reading Exercises.
Click on the link below to review the Writing warm-up, then upload it here when you have completed it. Don’t worry too much about the length. The recommended length is two pages, but if you produce an essay which is longer or shorter than two pages, that is alright.
The important thing is to answer the essay prompt by writing in detail about works of art discussed in our weekly chapters, and to use the following additional materials provided each week to support your ideas:
- the weekly Documents;
- the weekly Spotlight on Technique videos;*
- and the weekly Reading Exercises.
*Importantly, use should use the videos labeled “Spotlight on Technique” within each module instead of the introductory videos at the beginning of each chapter.
For this writing assignment, consider how you will receive points:
Detailed analysis of works of art: 8 points
Use of weekly Documents: 4 points
Use of weekly Spotlight on Technique videos: 4 points
Use of weekly Reading Exercises: 4 points
As you can see, you will earn points for writing in detail about works of art previously explored in class, and for exploring ways in which our weekly Documents, Spotlight on Technique Videos, and Reading Exercises inform our understanding the works of art we have been studying in class.
Your assignment
Write a response to the following question:
Why do you think artists choose to become expert in the use of specific techniques and tools? Also, how do the techniques and tools used by artists help them to produce works of art within specific subject categories (such as landscape, history, portraiture, etc.)?
Note: Some of the techniques we have explored include etching, wheel-thrown pottery, and mosaic, among others.
A complete response will include:
– Analysis of four to eight works of art we have discussed in class;
– Quotes from at least two weekly Documents discussed in class;
– Quotes from at least two Spotlight on Technique videos discussed in class;
– Quotes from at least two Reading Exercises discussed in class.
Consider your analysis of works of art as the heart of your response. The documents, readings, and technique videos should play a supporting role. Do not limit yourself. If you need to discuss more works of art, documents, readings, and technique videos, you are welcome to do so, with the goal of answering the essay prompt as fully as possible.
Upload your response to Canvas as either a PDF or a Word document. Your essay should be typed in a 12-point font and double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Aim to produce in an essay that is approximately two pages in length
I will upload all the files that you need before you start to do this.