cs 4445 this is final project
Students for your final project please select a net
working topic related to the Hybrid OSI
– TCP/IP architecture from the textbook (Page 45 Fi
gure 2-6) and (Page 48 Figure 2-7)
and conduct a 4 – 6 research paper on the layer or
topic of your choice. This is an
individual assignment and your topics are due the e
nd of week 3 on September 1, 2019. I
will have to approve the topic before you can submi
t your project summary or outline and
begin researching the topic. Also, your outline or
project summary will be due week 4 on
September 8th, 2019. Please email me your topic and
also if you have questions about
choosing a topic for a particular layer then please
do not hesitate to contact me. Your
research paper will be 4 – 6 typed pages excluding
any illustrations or tables you include
in the paper. Your paper must be in APA or MLA form
at and minimum of 2 in text
citations and 1 reference with a reference page att
ached. I am looking forward to assisting
anyone that may need help selecting a topic and rea
ding your final paper and let’s have a
wonderful time researching networking !!