assignment 2 ethics hrm and skm

Assignment #2

Ethics, HRM, and IS/KM

This assignment, your second research assignment, builds on the readings in Units 4, 5 and 6. Please use the pre-formatted Unit 6 APA Assignment Template, linked in the Resources. You may also consult the APA Style Template, also provided in the Resources, but be certain to complete your assignment using the unit-specific template.

The basic concept you will address is how ethics, human resources and talent, and information systems and knowledge management contribute to the overall performance of the organization. Pick three (3) specific articles, one from Unit 4 Ethics, Unit 5 HRM, and Unit 6 IS/KM—and then address them within each section of the assignment.

When conducting your research, be prepared to answer the following:


  • Always begin all doctoral research papers by describing the purpose of the paper including the specifics of what will be covered in the body. Typical length is 150 to 200 words.

Theory–Article Deconstruction

  • Apply MEAL to deconstruct the selected three articles.
    • Main points for each article. Include at least three but no more than five points.
    • Evidence. What type of data is presented? Is it factually supported or an opinion? What are the sources of data?
    • Analysis. What type of analysis, evaluation, or application are presented in the article?
    • Linking. How well do the authors in each of the articles convey their ideas, facts, analysis and support? This gets at readability of each article
  • Typical length: 300 words per article.

Case Study Application

  • Select a Fortune 500 company for your case discussion. This company must be different than the one you used for the Unit 3 assignment.
  • Based on your analysis of the articles used in your research, present and align concepts to the specific case organization.
  • Typical length: 1600 words.


  • What conclusions can be drawn from the theories presented and the evidence applied to your case study organization? The conclusion is typically 150–200 words.
  • This section of every paper pulls together theory and application.

Learner Option

  • For those of you that want to build competencies faster, you have the option of preparing a table in the Theory section of the paper.
  • Insert a table which compares each of the three articles, using MEAL: how are they alike? How are they different?
  • Your faculty instructor will provide feedback on effectiveness.

Additional Requirements

Your submitted paper must meet the following requirements:

  • Use the assigned readings from Unit 4–6 and supplement with other literature to support your research.
  • Be a minimum of 1800 words in length: this is three double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and reference list.
  • Follow current APA guidelines for style and format, including a cover page and headings.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.


  • Ethics, HRM, and IS/KM Scoring Guide.
  • The Business Model Canvas | Transcript.
  • APA Style Template [DOCX].
  • Writing Feedback Tool.
  • MEAL Plan.
  • This guide is a helpful tool when constructing paragraphs and essays. Here’s how the MEAL
  • plan relates to essays and paragraphs.
  • Main Idea
  • Every paragraph should have one main idea. An essay or piece of writing similarly focuses on one topic. If you find that your paragraphs have more than one main idea, separate your paragraphs so that each has only one main point. The idea behind a paragraph is to introduce an idea and expand upon it. If you veer off into a new topic, begin a new paragraph.
  • Evidence
  • Your main idea needs support, either in the form of evidence that supports your argument or examples that explain your idea. If you don’t have any evidence or examples to support your main idea, your idea may not be strong enough to warrant a complete paragraph. In this case, re-evaluate your idea and see whether you need even to keep it in the paper.
  • This goes the same for writing an essay. The evidence should support the main argument of the writing assignment. If it does not, then your writing may lack focus and need to be revised.
  • Analysis
  • Analysis is the heart of academic writing. While your readers want to see evidence or examples of your idea, the real “meat” of your idea is your interpretation (analysis) of your evidence or examples:
  • • how you break them apart
  • • compare them to other ideas
  • • use them to build a persuasive case
  • • demonstrate their strengths or weaknesses
  • Analysis is especially important if your evidence (E) is a quote from another author. Always follow a quote with your analysis of the quote, demonstrating how that quote helps you to make your case. If you let a quote stand on its own, then the author of that quote will have a stronger voice in your paragraph (and maybe even your paper) than you will.
  • Link or Transition
  • Links help your reader to see how your paragraphs fit together. When you end a paragraph, try to link it to something else in your paper, such as your thesis or argument, the previous paragraph or main idea, or the following paragraph. Creating links will help your reader understand the logic and organization of your paper, as well as the logic and organization of your argument or main points. Key words that are ‘links’ include:
  • • however• thus,• nonetheless,
  • • so • still, despite,• although
  • Unit 6 APA Assignment Template [DOCX].

Ethics, HRM, and IS/KM Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 6
Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.






Describe a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept.

Does not describe a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept.

Describes a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept, but the description is inaccurate.

Describes a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept.

Describes a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept, and provides relevant examples.

Describe how ethics, human resources and talent, and information systems/knowledge management contribute to the overall performance of an organization.

Does not describe how ethics, human resources and talent, and information systems/knowledge management contribute to the overall performance of an organization.

Describes how ethics, human resources and talent, and information systems/knowledge management contribute to the overall performance of an organization, but the description is incomplete.

Describes how ethics, human resources and talent, and information systems/knowledge management contribute to the overall performance of an organization.

Describes how ethics, human resources and talent, and information systems/knowledge management contribute to the overall performance of an organization, and provides relevant examples.

Explain how a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept impacts overall organizational performance.

Does not explain how a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept impacts overall organizational performance.

Explains how a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept impacts overall organizational performance, but the explanation is inaccurate.

Explains how a a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept impacts overall organizational performance.

Explains how a selected ethics, HRM, or information systems/knowledge management concept impacts overall organizational performance, and provides examples for a specific context.

Conduct business data base searches using appropriate search engines.

Does not conduct business data base searches using appropriate search engines.

Conducts limited searches sometimes using appropriate search engines.

Conducts business data base searches using appropriate search engines.

Conducts business data base searches using appropriate search engines and provides relevant applied key word or search phrases.

Apply relevant APA citations, formatting, headings, and reference listing.

Does not apply APA form and format.

Applies limited and often incorrect use of APA citations, formatting, headings, and reference listing.

Applies effective writing style in active voice, with correct grammar, syntax, and discussion flow.

Applies relevant APA citations, formatting, and reference listing with few to no errors.

Apply effective writing style in active voice, with correct grammar, syntax, and discussion flow.

Does not apply effective writing style, logic, and flow.

Applies some effective writing style elements with major gaps in use of active voice, grammar, and syntax. Paper flow is awkward and difficult to follow.

Applies effective writing style in active voice, with correct grammar, syntax, and discussion flow.

Applies effective writing style in active voice, with correct grammar, and syntax and mastery of flow, including effective use of all paper elements from the introduction to the conclusion.


1. Value Propositions

  • What are the critical needs?
  • What value do we deliver?
  • What bundles of products/services?
  • What is the minimum viable product?

2. Customer Segments

  • Who do we help?
  • Who are most important?
  • What are customer personas?

3. Channels

  • How does our product/service get to the customer?
  • Which channels to reach which customer segments?
  • Physical and/or mobile-web?

4. Customer Relationships

  • How do we get, keep, and grow customers?
  • How do we interact?
  • What does the target segment expect?
  • What customer touch point? Social Media?

5. Revenue Streams

  • For what value are customers willing to pay?
  • What revenue model strategy?
  • Pricing strategy? How much does each revenue stream contribute?

6. Key Resources

  • What key resources do our value propositions require?
  • Finance? Physical? Intellectual? Human?

7. Key Partners

  • Who are the key partners and suppliers?
  • What do we need from them?
  • What key activities do they perform?

8. Key Activities

  • What key activities-processes to our value prositions require?
  • Production? Supply chain? Management? Customer relationships?
  • How do we do it?

9. Cost Structure

  • What are the most important costs of the business model?
  • Which resources are the most expensive?
  • Which keys activities are most expensive?

Title of the Paper in Full Goes Here

Assignment number (here), DB8002-02 (section), 2017, Quarter 3

Student Name Here

Capella University

Instructor:Dr. _____


Introduction information included here.

Level 1 — This Starts The Body

This will be the beginning of the body of your paper.

Another Level 1 If At Equal Level To The First One

the topic sentence of this section should explain how this is related or a result of what has been discussed in the previous section.

Level 2 Heading To Be Used to Break-up Into Sub-topics The Previous Level 1 Heading

The Level 2 heading here implies that this is a subsection of the previous section.

Level 3 heading

Information included here is related to previous section and can contain supporting information.

Level 1 Heading

Typically, you need several Level 1 headings in the body.


Conclusion heading is also a Level 1 heading. Your conclusion section should recap the major points you have made in your work, and more importantly, it should also interpret what you have written and what it means in the bigger picture.


Please notice the spacing: all must comply with APA and here are two examples of correctly listed references.

Alexander, G., & Bonaparte, N. (2008). My way or the highway that I built. Ancient Dictators, 25(7), 14-31. doi:10.8220/CTCE.52.1.23-91

Babar, E. (2007). The art of being a French elephant. Adventurous Cartoon Animals, 19, 431

Writing Feedback Tool

Capella faculty use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide learners with supplemental writing feedback and information about writing resources to develop Writing Skills.

The Writing Feedback Tool facilitates assessment of five core writing skills, aligned to Capella’s Writing Standards. These writing skills are known as the POETS writing skills.

  • Address assignment purpose
    Related Competency: Compose a text that articulates meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.
  • Develop strong organization
    Related Competency: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of relationship between main and subtopics.
  • Incorporate appropriate evidence
    Related Competency: Integrate into text appropriate use of scholarly sources, evidence, and citation style.
  • Use scholarly tone
    Related Competency: Apply in text the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.
  • Develop grammatically sound sentence structure
    Related Competency: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.

Within your courses or related to specific assignments, you may have seen these five Writing Skills in the Writing Feedback Tool. You can use the information you receive from the tool to create a study plan and work towards your writing goals. Developing these five Writing Skills are important to your success.

The tables below illustrate the performance levels associated with each Writing Skill. You may receive other feedback from your instructor in addition to the items below.


Related Competency: Compose a text that articulates meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.

Performance Measurement

Faculty Selection




This text is unrelated to the assignment prompt.

It doesn’t look to me like this text addresses the assignment prompt. Please review the assignment prompt and/or upload the correct assignment. It may be helpful to study Capella’s expectations for responding to various prompts. You might also benefit from reviewing the prewriting strategies of the writing process.


This text is related to the assignment prompt but does not demonstrate an understanding of the main topic, scope, and purpose.

The connection between this text and the assignment prompt is unclear to me. To develop this connection, consider revisiting the prewriting stage of the writing process. It may also be helpful to narrow your focus and develop an outline.


This text responds to the assignment prompt and appropriately addresses the main topic, scope, and purpose.

This text addresses various parts of the assignment prompt. Continue creating strong texts by making sure your thesis statement addresses the various main and subtopics presented in the assignment description.


This text presents a focused response to the assignment prompt and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the main topic, scope, and purpose.

This text fully addressed the purpose of the assignment and provided adequate information about all subtopics, creating unity and coherence. Consider revision strategies to further strengthen future texts.


Related Competency: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of relationship between main and subtopics.

Performance Measurement

Faculty Selection




This text does not include a thesis statement and is organized inappropriately for the assignment.

This text was organized inappropriately for the assignment. It is important that you organize your text into paragraphs with clear main topics. Additionally, make sure to incorporate strong introduction and conclusion paragraphs. It might be helpful to study tactics for organizing a paper.


The thesis statement in this text is unclear and/or the text is presented in paragraphs with unclear main idea(s) and/or transitional phrases.

This text will be strengthened by including a more specific thesis statement and/or further developing the main idea, evidence, analysis, and/or linking information in each paragraph. Consider reverse outlining your text to strengthen your organization.


This text includes a thesis statement and is organized into paragraphs, with clear main ideas and effective transitional phrases.

This text includes a thesis statement that supports the organization of the text, and the main topics in each of paragraphs are clear. You might further develop your paragraphs by including more appropriate evidence, analysis, and/or linking information. To develop your paragraphs, study MEAL plan guidelines.


This text reflects a strong thesis statement. Additionally, this text is organized with skillful transitions into paragraphs with clear main ideas, sufficient evidence, analysis, and linking information.

The organization of this text reflects a strong thesis statement. Additionally, the text is organized with skillful transitions into paragraphs with clear main ideas, sufficient evidence, analysis, and linking information. Another step to support strong organization is to consider peer review.


Related Competency: Integrate into text appropriate use of scholarly sources, evidence, and citation style.

Performance Measurement

Faculty Selection




This text included some plagiarized information.

This text includes plagiarized information or language. Please take some time to study Capella’s Academic Honesty policy and make sure you correctly cite all ideas from external sources. It is also important that you ensure the sources you cite are credible.


This text lacks synthesis of information from sources and/or the credibility of the sources is questionable, with many flaws in APA citation style.

This text includes evidence, but the credibility of and/or citation of some of those sources falls short of academic standards. Consider your research strategies by visiting Capella’s library, and study citation guidelines regarding quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing material from outside sources.


The included evidence was integrated and synthesized from outside sources, most of which are scholarly, with minimal flaws in APA citation style.

The evidence in this text is integrated and/or synthesized, and there were very few errors in APA citation style. It might be helpful to use APA Style Central to polish your in-text citations and reference page format.


The evidence in this text was integrated and synthesized skillfully. Additionally, the sources chosen are credible. Keep your APA skills up to date by regularly visiting APA Style Central.

The evidence in this text was integrated and synthesized skillfully. Additionally, the sources chosen are credible. Keep your APA skills up to date by regularly visiting APA Style Central.


Related Competency: Apply in text the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.

Performance Measurement

Faculty Selection




Text uses language inappropriate for the intended audience.

This text included language that was inappropriate for the intended audience. Consider your academic voice as a scholar at Capella and study the Writing Center’s resources on developing a scholarly voice.


This text does not meet writing conventions for the discipline and lacks appropriate voice, person, and/or tone for the intended audience.

This text lacks appropriate voice, person, and/or tone for the intended audience. In your writing process, consider the expectations of your audience. Additionally, it may be helpful to study the Writing Center’s resources on developing a scholarly voice.


This text meets writing conventions for the discipline and there were minimal issues in appropriate use of voice, person, or tone for the intended audience.

This text appropriately addressed the intended audience. To polish your text, focus on establishing the appropriate context and incorporate these guidelines into future texts.


This text exhibits strict adherence to writing conventions for the discipline and uses appropriate voice, person, and tone for the intended audience.

Your text skillfully demonstrates writing conventions for the discipline and uses appropriate voice, person, and tone for the intended audience. Continue developing these skills by incorp

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