reading response and imitation iliad
The imitation seeks to capture some of the epic conventions of the opening of the Iliad, and mirror their use in the way that they might be applied to a movie This doesn’t mean cramming all of a movie’s synopsis into 16 lines, though. Think about the way that the opening of the poem suggests that the origin of the conflict is Achille’s rage, but then the simplicity of that explanation encounters the difficulty of figures like Zeus, Apollo, and Agamemnon. These people are involved too, but in different ways. Then there’s the imagery that’s used to convey the nature and consequence of Achille’s rage, where different images reinforce each other—take incalculable pain/countless souls. Or the dramatic suspense that Lombardo’s translation creates when he ends a line with “…bodies to rot as feasts” and it’s not until the next line that we learn that the feast is meant for birds and dogs.
The assignment asks you to consider a movie and the way its story results from a powerful emotion that belongs to one of the characters, and to do a study on the origins and consequences of that emotion or motivation. The more you ponder the opening 16 lines, the more you’ll be able to recreate and imitate them. Try breaking the lines and sentences into constituent parts.