discussion forum prompts
Discussion Prompt 1 (250 word for this discussion)
Read the following article Parents warn of mystery illness misdiagnosed in kids
Do you feel it is necessary for psychologists to understand the complex details of neurological activity in the brain in order to successfully practice psychology? Why or why not? Do you think the early symptoms noted in this article could be reasonably misdiagnosed? Support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.
Consider, what did you learn about the brain and parts of the brain that control some of the behaviors exhibited by Jayden and Sonia, that might cause doctors to miss the correct diagnosis?
Discussion Prompt 2 (250 word for this discussion)
First take the movie perception test.
Watch VideoMovie Perception Test – Conversation
Duration: (2:10)
User: Daniel Simons – Added: 7/18/10
Then read the following article on inattentional blindness.
But Did You See the Gorilla? The Problem With Inattentional Blindness
Given what you know about the influences on perception such as context and emotion and the effects of inattentional blindness, would you be confident providing eyewitness testimony against a defendant charged with a crime? How confident would you be of the testimony of others if you were being charged? Explain. Can you think of a situation where you may have missed something, “right in front of your eyes”? Explain the feelings you experienced when you realized what you missed.
Support your ideas with information from the text and other course materials.
For this discussion keep in mind the following:
- Given what you know (hint..base this on what you learn from our book this week) about the influences on perception such as context and emotion and the effects of inattentional blindness, would you be confident providing eyewitness testimony against a defendant charged with a crime?
- How confident would you be of the testimony of others if you were being charged? Explain.
- Can you think of a situation where you may have missed something, “right in front of your eyes”? Explain the feelings you experienced when you realized what you missed.
- Support your ideas with information from the text and other course materials.
Then we should write comments for this answers:
1. 1) I think that it is important that psychologists understand the complex details of the neurological activity in the brain because the brain’s activity is closely related to the mental process and behavior of a person. The complex interconnections of neurons in different parts of our brain produces our behavior, emotions, thoughts, and dreams. As a psychologist, it is important to study the neurological activity of the brain to gain understanding of what is normal and abnormal under a certain psychological state. It also helps doctors to make accurate diagnosis.
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is a new disease, and there are only few cases known. I believe that the early symptoms of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis could be easily misdiagnosed because it includes some behavioral and psychotic symptoms that are also presented in some mental illnesses. One thing that doctors noticed was the abnormal electrical activity in the brain when they looked at the patient’s EEG.
Feldman, R. S. (2017). Understanding Psychology (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Mulholland, A. (2011, September 26). Parents warn of mystery illness misdiagnosed in kids. Retrieved from https://www.ctvnews.ca/parents-warn-of-mystery-illness-misdiagnosed-in-kids-1.701777
1. 2) Psychology is the study of the mind and the way human behave. As an applied science, it aims is to find a way to understand individual or group through performing a research. To better understand human being and their behavior, it is necessary for psychologist to comprehend the complex details of neurological activity in the brain in other to be successful in the practice. There are billions of nerves in the brain, these nerves control human emotion, thought, aspiration, dreams, and movement. Our awareness and other function is from the brain and nerves that extends throughout the body helps determine the way we behave and respond to different situations. Due to the complexity of the brain, psychologist cannot know every concerning its function. For psychologist to better understand the reason for behaving in a certain way, it is better specializing in a field and complexly understand the biology involve in the field
Since the anti-NMDA was newly discovered disease and uncommon, as stated in the article, it is possible for early symptoms to be misdiagnosed for other diseases that shows almost the same symptoms. The doctors have no experience treating such case but thanks to the doctor who remembered he had read about the disease and providing a clue which helped save the child life
Understanding Psychology. Robert S. Feldman. (2017). McGraw Hill Education
2.1) Within learning the information on in attentional blindness and how we could simply miss something because we are not paying attention, I would not be confident in providing an eyewitness testimony against a defendant charged with a crime. According to the article (Simmons, 2012) over 40 percent of people missed a staged fight that was set up, and 65 percent missed it at night. With this info, I can conclude that unless I have a reason to be paying attention to the fight, or if I am paying attention to something else, I could easily miss major details and might give an inaccurate testimony. Now if I had to give a testimony if I was being charged I think that I would remember more. I think the fact that it is vital for me to not miss out as many details as possible, will help have me focused on the events. According to the article (Simmons, 2012), “Inattentional blindness does have an upside. Our ability to ignore distractions allows us to retain our focus.”. This shows me that if something is regarding me, I will be able to focus and retain more information, which inturn makes me more confident in providing a testimony if it is in regards to myself.
2.2) After watching the movie perception test this made me realize how much in intentional blindness that I have, I missed almost every single change that happened in that video, so with that being said I would not have any confidence that I will be able to provide eyewitness testimony against a defendant charged with a crime. I wouldn’t say so much because I’m not focus on the crime just simply because the crime has nothing to do with myself so I would not be focused or aware of what happened and i have a bad attention spand ,maybe that’s just me …. Now the testimony of others if I was being charged I believe this goes half-and-half for confidence , to me i believe it depends who is the other testimony i believe some people have better awareness then others, however the video makes me think otherwise that anybody can miss something . Have you ever been in a situation where your mom tells you to go look for something somewhere and you go and look for and it’s not there, then she goes and looks in the same place and it’s right where she said it was going to be but you did not see it. This happens to me all the time.Now i know exactly why .