module 6 constructing methods of assessment and evaluation module 7 final case study teaching project
Module 6 assignment
Constructing Methods of Assessment and Evaluation.
Chapter 14 outlines the RSA Evaluation model. I would like you to apply this model to a lesson to be developed to educate learners like the one in your case study goal and objectives. In at least 650 words, and without using first person language (i.e., I, we, our), explain how you would evaluate the lesson at each of the following levels:
- List in bullet form your clearly defined goal and objectives and a brief (2-3 sentences) description of your lesson. Note: These should be written from the learner’s perspective.
- Explain a way you could conduct a process evaluation for whether the lesson needs to be modified while it is being taught (Formative Evaluation).
- Explain how you would measure whether the learners acquired the message(s) being taught (Content Evaluation).
- Explain how you would determine whether the goal and objectives were met (Summative Evaluation).
- Explain how you could evaluate the long-term impact of this lesson on learners (Impact Evaluation).
Module 7 assignment
Final Case Study Teaching Project
This project will give you an opportunity to design a short instructional module that you will present in Microsoft PowerPoint or some other presentation software (I must be able to view it) on any topic related to allied health. To keep this manageable, consider the topic to be something that could be reasonably presented and taught in a 20-25 minute presentation. Your target audience is to be allied health students or colleagues in your field.
1. Choose a well-focused topic that you can teach colleagues in the short time period (Title slide, goal and objectives slide, at least 13 slides of instruction (not including title slide, goal, objectives, reference(s) slides, or assessment questions).
Anatomy is too broad a topic; however, the Anatomy of the finger bones would be fine.
Radiology would be too broad but proper positioning for a mammogram may be fine.
Rule of thumb: Be able to teach a focused topic thoroughly in a 20-25 minute class. Typically each slide represents 1-2 minutes of discussion (or more).
2. Write one goal and three specific behavioral objectives from the learner’s perspective that you expect your audience to be able to accomplish after successfully completing your presentation. Each objective must include all three components of a learning objective (condition, performance verb, and criterion).
3. Your teaching method and materials will be the lecture/discussion using PowerPoint (or other presentation) software. Use the notes section to elaborate on the slide content. Include at least three images that support or enhance your topic.
4. Cite on the slides all resources used for your presentation. and provide a reference slide at the end. It is expected that you will use at least two professional peer-reviewed resources published within the past three years.
5. Write three multiple choice, one true/false, and one short answer question. Multiple responses should have 4-5 response options. Include your intended answer with rationale for your correct answer. Make questions challenging, unambiguous, and related to learning objectives from Bloom’s REVISED taxonomy!
6. Submit your Final Case Study Teaching Project presentation to this Dropbox.
7. Also submit your Final Case Study Teaching Project presentation to the Writing Appropriate Feedback Discussion so that your peers may review it.
8. And, complete a self-assessment of your Final Case Study Teaching Project, and submit it to the Self-Evaluation Assessment Dropbox.
PowerPoint Directions:
- Use the HSA PowerPoint Guidelines and Tutorials.
- Include three objectives students will be learning by the completion of your lesson.
- Visuals are an effective addition to a teaching module. Use images YOU believe enhance students’ learning.
- Conclude with slides of the five questions (indicate correct answers and provide rationale for your correct answer). [Note included in slide count]
- The final slide/s will be a reference slide(s) [Not included in slide count].
I will be looking to see if the:
- Topic could be taught thoroughly in allotted 20-25 minutes.
- Goal is complete and measureable.
- Objectives are clearly stated and measureable; criterion, performance, and condition are present; used high level verbs from Bloom’s taxonomy.
- The template choice, background color, graphics, font size, amount of information on each slide, and transitions promote effective learning.
- Slides demonstrate clarity, accuracy, are organized and focused, inclusive of all learners, thoroughly teach topic, content teaches to objectives and reference slide is provided.
- Test Items: Slides are unambiguous, accurate, high level, formatted effectively, related to objectives, grammatically correct in stem and distracters are plausible. There should be four or five distracters for each multiple choice question. Correct answers should be noted with rationale provided and related to course objectives.