first browse online news providers such as cnn com fox news the ajc etc and read through several current events articles to look for specific instances of bias and inaccuracy
(2) Compare and contrast these news sources in the reporting of one current events. In other words, find two different websites covering the same topic and discuss how various news sources vary in their reporting. Essentially you should compare and contrast (the reporting of) two news articles (ideally on the same or a similar current event topic). Explain in detail how these example/s represent media bias and the potential impact that it has on public opinion.
NOTE: An “Op-ed” refers to an editorial (which is news commentary rather than actual news reporting). Generally these types of articles are labeled as such, however, the nature of cable news has made this less clear (see you textbook for additional explanation). You can address this in your discussion as well.
You might look for things like a reporter’s use of voice in the article to gauge its bias. For example, a story might report “there was a crash on I-85”–or it might say something like “there was a horrific crash on I-85.” See the difference? What’s horrific to her might not be horrific to you, so that would be an instance where the writer’s objectivity may have faltered. Also, you might look for a lack of balance in the piece. Maybe the article seems to slam one political party without even referencing the other or giving the slammed party a chance to respond–that kind of thing.
Be sure you don’t rely upon “op-ed” pieces or other editorials as you formulate your posts. Those are supposed to be biased. We’re looking for the bias in the stuff that’s passed off as news by the networks and publishers.
(3) Is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Explain your response.
(4) Discuss public opinion as it relates to media bias. The following links (articles also attached) will get you started but I encourage you to do some research on your own (just make sure to use legitimate sources!).