change atopic and draft one for the ap paper
In addition to completing the following, please write three (3) specific questions about your project/outline for your peers to address in your workshop, and for me to address in my feedback to you.
Here’s a rough outline that I’d like you to fill out to help you with your advocacy essay plans. It’s like Madlibs, but better, because it serves a more useful purpose. Upload your responses when you’re finished.
The problem:_________________________________________________________________
The solution(s):_______________________________________________________________
Thesis: The thesis for the advocacy essay should at the very minimum argue, “this policy is the best policy because of framework 1, framework 2, and framework 3.†Be aware, however, that your thesis should not set you up to write a “5-paragraph essay.” Rather, the three frameworks you choose should not be interchangeable, but should be connected and should build on each other in some crucial way (in terms of importance or relationship to one another).
So here’s a fill in the blank thesis to start you off: (The solution) supported by (group, organization, scholar, politician, etc) is the best policy to solve (the problem) because of (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits), (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits), and (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits).
Now you’ll make this more complex once you put it in your paper to explain how the frameworks address the problem and write in your own style, but it should have these basic elements in it.
First body paragraph:
Framework I’m using (select one): (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits)
Topic sentence: __________________________________________________________________
Source(s) you plan to use: __________________________________________________________
Second body paragraph:
Framework I’m using (select one): (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits)
Topic sentence: __________________________________________________________________
Source(s) you plan to use: __________________________________________________________
Third body paragraph:
Framework I’m using (select one): (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits)
Topic sentence: __________________________________________________________________
Source(s) you plan to use: __________________________________________________________
One weakness that I’m mentioning about my policy: ____________________________________________________________________________
Reason why my policy should still be considered even though it has this weakness: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Another policy that I’m comparing mine too, but it’s just not quite as good: _______________________________________________________________________________
A framework or two that I’m going to use to analyze the alternative policy (select all that apply): (causation, coverage, feasibility, comparison, or cost/benefits)
Topic Sentence:_______________________________________________________________
Maybe another topic sentence:___________________________________________________
Source(s) you plan to use: __________________________________________________________
Three specific questions to guide your peers’ and instructor’s feedback:
And now you have an outline for your paper. You should use this to organize your paper and focus your research.
Please still follow this model, and you don’t need to write a outline this time. I need a draft 1 for the paper(1900 words). The topic needs to be same with my HCP paper. And I attach the HCP here too. Use this outline while construct the paper.