identify insights and create a mind map see step 6 for detailed directions this phase will result in a large mind map what s a mind map review this on how to create a mind map watch the video about mind mapping lynda watch mind mapping for stud
Review Copyright Laws
In every instance, however, laws such as the Copyright Act govern what you can use and how it is disseminated. Review the Copyright Act. What is the Fair Use Standard? You will need to be conscious of the use of copyright materials developed outside as well as inside your company as you design programs for human resource development.
- Copyright Office
- Start here to begin your copyright law research
2. Review Employee Skills
Human Resource Development should include providing employees with skills they need for their current job as well as future job demands, and align with the organization’s mission, vision, and goals. When you add the global nature of today’s companies, this becomes more complex.
- What other training might need to be included to address the global impact on human resource development? What about cultural awareness, other languages, relationship awareness, mindsets, and models other than Western?
- Review Hofstede’s Value Dimensions
- Read Employee Engagement
- What are competencies? How do they affect your development of a training model? Where do you get the competencies? Are they aligned with the organization’s strategic plan and goals?
- Review Bloom’s Taxonomy, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene, Goldilocks Tasks (more in Resources)
3. Analyze Project Plan Data
As you begin to analyze the large amount of data you have collected on the project plan, keep in mind the mission and vision of the company and the alignment of your project to those goals. Also keep in mind competencies and how you new project will be disseminated.
4. Identify Insights and Create a Mind Map
(See Step 6 for detailed directions)This phase will result in a large mind map.
- What’s a Mind Map? (Review this on how to create a Mind Map.)
- Watch the video about Mind Mapping (Lynda)
- Watch Mind Mapping For Students (Lynda)
- Watch Data Visualization Fundamentals (Lynda)