week 5 plan of action
For Weeks 1-6, you will complete a Plan of Action on a weekly basis. The Plan of Action for Week 2 will focus on your topic proposal, for Week 3, on creating a detailed outline, and for Week 6 on submitting a rough draft. For Weeks 1, 4, and 5, your action plan should address the following points:
Include a bolded heading for each discussion item below
Progress from last to this week
Goals to accomplish with Capstone Project for the upcoming week (e.g., write 10 pages)
Any anticipated problems with accomplishing these goals, and what you can do to ensure that progress is not impeded
Students will complete each Plan of Action Assignment by Sunday 11:55 PM, EST. Required length of the Plan of Action for Weeks 1, 4, and 5 is 1-2 pages.
progress: outline/annotated bibliography completed. sources for paper found and reviewed.
Goals to accomplish: complete rough draft of 30-25 page integrated literature review paper