surveys for social science
Research is fundamental in the social sciences. A common data collection method is the survey. Let’s look at the survey as a social scientist.
Now, let’s discuss the merits and flaws of this survey instrument.
For the initial post, address the following:
- Which questions would you add?
- Which would you delete?
- What questions would you change?
- What questions would you keep the same?
- How are survey questions important to the interviewer and the subject being researched?
- Why is it important to ask the appropriate questions that are relative and will be effective?
As we discuss these initial discussion questions, please begin thinking about the questions you will be asking for the interview assignment this week and their importance to you as you explore the experiences of others in the helping professions.
What is your satisfaction with
The course overall
The course instructor overall
The class size
Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend this school to another professional wishing to enroll in our graduate program?
How likely are you to recommend online courses at this school to others as a result of taking this course?
Please respond to the following questions strongly disagree to strongly agree
Links on the portal to resources for the course were easy to use.
Assignments/exams were reflective of course concepts
This course stimulated my interest to continue to learn about the concepts
The workload for this course was reasonable
My level of computer skills was adequate for success in this course
The course materials supported my learning(includes, syllabus, reading assignments, videos, ect.)
The use of technology was optimal for the delivery of this course.
Please rate your instructor from strongly disagree to strongly agree
Showed a sincere interest in my success
The instructor’s response to my introduction post made me feel welcomed to the course.
The instructors communications each week made the focus for my work clea
The instructor responded to my questions as per course policy (within 24 hours on weekdays/48 hours on weekends)
Guided students to professional educations with journals and texts from the professions
Promoted curiosity to expand application of learning
Assigned challenging tasks that helped me to think differently
Developed course activities that promoted learning outside of the classroom
Provided relevant content through application to real life healthcare examples
Treated the students with respect
Employed strategies that actively engage students in learning
Provided helpful feedback on my performance prior to final course assessment
Would you like to be emailed a copy of your confirmation code verifying that you have completed this survey?
300 words. 2 references.