reflection 2 gerrymandering
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to better understand the practice of gerrymandering and its consequences in the states and at the national level.
Skills/Knowledge: As a result of completing this assignment, you will be able to define gerrymandering; you will understand the possible consequences of gerrymandering; and you will come to a conclusion regarding the current case before the Supreme Court, Gill v. Whitford.
Task: Read the attached packet of articles concerning gerrymandering and answer the following questions:
According to the articles and class lectures, what are the main arguments against gerrymandering? In other words, how does gerrymandering harm democracy?
- According to the articles, class lectures, and any outside research, why should states be allowed to determine their own state and federal legislative districts?
- Is gerrymandering a problem in Utah? Why or why not?
- Imagine you are asked to write an amicus curiae brief in Gill v. Whitford. Take a position and in one page, try to convince the justices why your position is correct?
Grading Criteria: Be sure to answer each of the above questions. Your answers and amicus curiae brief must demonstrate that you read the attached articles. Be sure to include in text citations when you use these or any other readings. The 25 point assignment is broken down as 15 points for content and 10 points for writing and organization. Please see the rubric for additional details about how the grades will be determined