create pseudo codes and scripts that will do the followings 2 scripts total
Homework for Module 3. (Copy everything on a word document and submit the word document.)
1. Please create pseudo codes and scripts that will do the followings (2 scripts total)
1) A script that will convert Pounds to Kilograms. (Use 220 lbs for example)
2)A script that will find the slope of a tangent line of y=x
2 at x=0.5 and x = 1.
2. Please create a script that will do the followings (No pseudo code is required since we are just completing the given task)
1) Use ceil() function in C to find the smallest integervalue greater than orequal to a= 1.6 and b = -5.2
2) Use floor() function in C to find the largest integer value less than or equal to c= 1.6 and d = -5.2
3) Use fabs() function in C to find the absolute value of e= 1.6 and f = -5.2.
4) Use log() function and log10 function to find the base e log value and base 10 log value of g = 100.
5) Use fmod() function to find the remainder of h divided by i1 when h = 9.7 and i1= 3 and the remainder of h divided by i2 when h =9.7 and i2 = 2.5.
6) Use sqrt() function to find the square root of j2+k2 when j = 3 and k =4.
7)Use pow() function to find 34.
8) Use exp() function to find e3.