can you do this?
I’d like you to hand write a letter. Introduce yourself to me: where are you from? What should I know about you? Additionally, I want to know what kinds of writing you’ve done before. Tell me about your experiences in high school, hobbies, blogs, Facebook—all the ways you have experience writing. Also, give me an idea of your feelings about writing. Is writing an important part of your life or a nuisance? Do you love it, hate it, or somewhere in between? You can be honest—I have been working with and teaching people who really hate writing for a long time. I just want to know where you stand. Lastly, how do you rate yourself as a writer? What is your greatest strength as a writer? What is your biggest weakness as a writer, and how can I help you overcome that weakness?
This letter will be however long you need to say everything you have to say.