Discussion broad
This week, the way we conduct a discussion will be different from the first three discussions. I want us to look at a very important economic issue that we hear about almost weekly, the U.S. government budget. Many political leaders argue that the federal government should be forced to balance the budget each fiscal year. They argue that the only way to accomplish this is to amend the U.S. Constitution to include a provision that requires that the national budget be balanced every year. Should the national budget be balanced every year is the question? There are many websites arguing for and against this issue, three of them are listed in the panel above. I want you to research these websites and compose your argument. It must be an economic argument. What could happen if the federal government has to balance the budget at all times, and during all economic times, good and bad?
In your first post, if your last name begins with A to L, you are to argue that the U.S. Constitution should be amended to include a balanced budget requirement and provide your reasons for this position. If your last name begins with M to Z, you are to argue that the Constitution should not contain an amendment requiring a balanced budget and provide the reasons for your argument.
In your second post, if you are in the A to L group, you must counter the argument of someone in the M to Z group (be sure to name them). If you are in the M to Z group, you must counter the argument of someone in the A to L group and remember to name them.
My name is Ding