“Blog” posts for english writing class.
I have to build a blog of the content of my choosing. I chose to write a blog about comic books for my english on the web class. I need to create 100 articles that are at least 600 words long, that are newspaper quality.
I came up with the following article subjects/tites:
What is manga?
Most famous marvel heros
Mos famous DC heros
History of the walking dead comics
How has 2000 AD maintained it’s popularity?
10 misconceptions about comic books
The fascinating world of vintage comic books
The history of Comic books and comic collecting
How to find out if your comic books are worth money
Who invests in comics?
How to get started in comic book investing
Most popular superman comic books
most popular x-men comic books
Most popular conan comics
Most popular avengers comics
Most popular war comics.
Most popular comics of the Golden age
Most popular comics of the Silver age
Most popular comics of the Bronze age
Most popular comics of the platinum age
Most popular comic book publishers
Most popular comic book writers
How comic books are made
Best comic books for children
Best comic books for teens
Best comic books for young adults
Best comic books for boys
Best comic books for men
Best comic books for girls
Best comic books for women
Best comic books to give as a present
Best comic books to recieve as a present
How to determine a comics value
Where to buy comics to invest in
How to grade comics
Which comic books will become valuable
Top 10 Super Heros: Who were they?
Top 10 Super Heroines: Who were they?
The best comic book apps for your Iphone or Ipad
Does the World need super heros?
How super heros have changed over the decades
Are super heroines important to gender equality?
What are the best comic book based movies?
What should you know before you enter a comic shop?
What are Graphic Novels?
Who reads graphic novels?
Where should you shop for comics?
What are the best ways to read free comics online?
Top 10 sites to read comics online
Top 10 detective comics
Most popular Spiderman comics of all time
Most popular cartoon books of all time
Most expensive comic books of all time
Top 10 comic book villans of all time.
The most famous comic book villan.
The best batman comics
The best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) Comics
Comic books of the past vs. the present
However I need to come up with full quality articles every day until the semester ends in 50 days. I need 100 quality comic book articles. You will need come up with other interesting quality articles / titles.
They must be:
100% authentic and unique content. (I cannot get in trouble for plagerism again! (last time i used this site))
They must be quality work, in perfect english including at least 1 image.
They must be asthetically pleasing, detailed and factually acurate (researched with google)
They must be finished by the deadline, they can be finished before the deadline but cannot be late.
I must recieve a 95% or higher for the work.
If conditions are not met money back